
The clowns of this circus.

Alexis Honoria

Other half of the Lit Society podcast. Legal professional. Likes big books (and she cannot lie). Loyal friend and trusted confidant to everyone she knows. Usually the one to right this ship.
Kari Herrera of the LIT Society Podcast 3

Kari Herrera

Other half of the Lit Society podcast. Copywriter. Reads to avoid people. Publishes two newsletters: one about Chicago, the other about travel. Find her online @Chicagoings.


Connect with us in this series of updates and observations, written with our society of book-lovers in mind.

Ranking Every Memoir I’ve Ever Read

Dive into the world of personal narratives as I tier-rank every memoir that has left a lasting impact on my mind! From heartwarming tales of resilience to gripping accounts of triumph over adversity, join me on this rollercoaster of emotions as I break down and categorize the memoirs that have shaped my perspective on life.