(CHICAGO) — Life-long friends Kari Herrera (copywriter) and Alexis Honoria (legal professional) were tired of hearing from industry peers about the demise of recreational reading and the subsequent unimportance of quality writing. They made it their mission to disprove this theory by seeking out readers from within their community. After a summer of successful book club meetings in the Oak Park, IL area, they decided to expand their accidentally formed literary society to include bibliophiles from all over the world. Hence, the LIT SOCIETY PODCAST was born.
Each week, one host selects the book they will both read.
Listeners are invited to keep up with the weekly book list and read along.
Episodes are divided into six segments:
- Catching up: A warm conversation between three friends: Kari, Alexis, and the listener. Together, we catch up on the week’s events and pop-culture highlights.
- Theme of the Week: Hosts select an engaging theme to discuss, based on the book featured. When applicable, sources are referenced and qualified guests are invited to contribute.
- Context: Details are shared regarding the author’s life and background, shedding light on motivations leading to the complete work.
- Synopsis (No Spoilers): A brief “no-spoilers” synopsis is provided, written by the hosts.
- Deep Dive: Spoilers galore! The book’s plot is retold, with modern sensibilities and sprinkles of ridiculousness.
- Dramatic Readings: Portions of the book are performed with sound effects and music, bringing the story to life in an exciting new way!
- Final Verdict: Our hosts give their final recommendation, or lack thereof, along with their reasoning.
Feedback from First Listeners Around the World
Top Countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada
“I thought the transition from friends bantering to the actual book made it feel like sitting around in someone’s living room having an actual book club. But more than that, the fact that I decided to stop listening to go read the book myself, before continuing, that was the real sign of success!”
“Lots of personality! Felt like a night out with friends!”
“Never [boring]!”
Lit Society is independently owned and operated. Support this show by listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and YouTube. Subscribe today!
For questions, business, and booking information email askus[at]litsocietypod.com.
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