Boom. So, listen. Eight people were invited to the LITTIEST party weekend ever. This fete-of-a-lifetime was on a private island in this bomb mansion, all expenses paid, all the Honey Jack they wanted, three billion count sheets, a private cook, and a butler. Needless to say, everyone invited was down. But then things got crazy. Like, ketchup on a hotdog crazy. This getaway isn’t all it’s cracked up to be because one of the guests is a murderer. PLOT TWIST! Will anyone survive?
We’re reading this, one of our favorite mystery books of all time, while under quarantine. So the sound quality is a bit suburban. Take it up with Coronita.
For our theme, we’re sharing free ways to get books while under house arrest because of Coronavirus. We’ll get through this together, ya’ll!
This is LIT Society.
Let’s get LIT!
Read a Full Transcript of And Then There Were None, the Episode, Below
Kari Ten strangers are summoned by letter to Soldier Island, an isolated spot off the coast of England, where sits a storied mansion hidden from the mainland. Some arrive expecting a party. Others, a relaxing retreat. Some even expect to be employed by the hosts. However, soon they realize that none of them knows why they’ve been invited or the identity of their host. The only thing that’s clear is that one of them is a fiendish murderer. Will they find the killer before it’s too late, or will they all, one by one, meet their end? The author: Agatha Christie. The book: And then there were none. And you’re listening to LIT society. Let’s get LIT!
Kari Hi readers! This is Kari.
Alexis And this is Alexis.
Kari And you’re listening to LIT Society, a show about books and drama. Alexis, how are you today?
Alexis Guuurl. I have been in quarantine.
Kari Well, let’s just tell the truth: I made a collect call to a Cook County Correctional Facility. You accepted it. Thank you. Because the podcast must go on. I don’t care what crimes you’ve been involved in. Thank you for being a professional.
Alexis The warden might come in and disconnect us.
Kari Oh! We both have experience with these types of calls, I see. But they warn you first. They’ll go, “You have three minutes left.” And you can’t even pay to take a longer call. What if I got something to say –
Alexis They gotta call back. And you should have said it in the beginning.
Kari Anyway, well, yeah, we’re on house arrest. Can you believe it? Your village was the first and then the entire state now has a shelter in place. Is that right? Yeah. For like two or three weeks.
Alexis Yeah. Yep, yep. So far, they’re saying ours will discontinue on the third of April. But the state actually is shutting down on April seventh. I’m affected anyway. It doesn’t matter.
Kari So, basically, your village’s mandate is dissolved because it’s like superseded by the state of Illinois. Well, the hospital in our neighborhood, there was someone diagnosed with Covid. But I hear he’s at home getting better. But then there was a rumor that a doctor and some nurses were testing positive and then that rumor was proved true later. I guess it was two doctors who tested positive. So, yeah. Interesting times. Did you ever think we’d be in a situation like this?
Alexis No, I wouldn’t have been able to imagine it. Since we’re both in this, I could still ask you how you’re doing in this situation.
Kari Well, you know, OK, first of all, I feel really sorry for, like, small business owners and gig-ers. Like, photographers and, you know, freelancers who require that constant flow of income. But just being at home and having to be at home and no one being able to argue with you about it – it’s been great! I am getting a little bored. And it’s only day two, but I’ve cooked a lot. I’m freezing food as soon as I can cook it. But as soon as I cook it, my husband is eating it. So, we won’t have any food, I’m guessing, in like three days.
Alexis But, I mean, when you’re home, you’re a different kind of hungry.
Kari Cause there’s nothing to do. Might as well eat a steak… Yeah, it’s crazy. What about you?
Alexis My first couple of days, I had a steak.I had lobster. A couple of days later, I had crab legs.
Kari Because you deserve it.
Alexis Yeah, I think I’mma be fifty pounds heavier but I’m kind of fighting.
Kari That’s everyone’s fear. How could you not blow up? This is the fear. Well, I’m going running today because ain’t nobody out there and so it is going to be me and “Covidia” running through the streets. It’s going to be fine.
Alexis I’ve been taking walks this week.
Kari Oh, that’s good! Is there anyone out when you’re walking?
Alexis People walking their dogs.
Kari Oh, yea. The dog’s got to get out there still… Yeah. Well listen, we have a show to run and we’re professionals and we gonna do it. I mean, at first, I was like, so when are you coming by for us to record?
Alexis You did. You were serious too.
Kari You were like: “No, I will not be doing that because of the coronavirus.” And I said, “Oh, wow. She’s being hysterical. It’s a shame. It’s really a shame.”
Cooler heads prevailed. And I’m glad you made this adult decision, and we were able to make it work. So, apologies to the readers for the audio quality. You know, we’re sticklers about that, but we’re doing our best. It’s not bad. It ain’t good either.
So, the Theme of the Week: Each week, readers, we select a theme to discuss, usually inspired by the book we’re reading, but this week we’re going to switch it up. The theme is: Six Ways to Get New Books from Home During a Global Pandemic.
No 1:. Scribd. Have you heard of Scribd?
Alexis YES!
Kari That’s spelled S-c-r-i-b-d and this web site is a source for audio books and magazines and even newspapers, you can get. The point of Scribd: It’s supposed to be like the direct competitor of Audible and Kindle Unlimited. There’s a three-month trial and then $8.99 a month, which is less, even significantly less, than subscriptions offered by other publishers or ebook providers. So that’s their thing, really. The unlimited magazines and news and unlimited audio books from major publishers. Again, 30-day free trial, then $8.99 per month. Scribd.com.
No 2: This is going to make everyone groan, but I have to say Amazon. I know. I mean, I’m not pushing the support of it, but quite frankly, I use a Kindle or I use a tablet with a Kindle app.
And as much as we support our indie bookstores and libraries, I, you know, once a month am buying something off of Amazon or not buying, because if you guys want to come a little closer, I’ll tell you a secret. Alexis, are you listening?
Alexis Yeah, oh, yeah.
Karina You can just return or exchange a book you’ve already read on your Kindle.
You guys, in theory, you buy one book on Kindle and you set … for the rest of your life, I guess. I hope this is on the level. I hope this is on the level.
Alexis But you’ve done it before, right?
Kari Girl, yes. What are you talking about? This is all I do. In fact, I went to cancel my Audible subscription. Now, you may know that Audible is a child of Amazon. It’s their audio book app and audio books can be crazy expensive. For example, we just reviewed The Warmth of Other Suns. I bought that book, but I didn’t have time to sit and read every page. I needed an audio book to supplement my reading and I didn’t want to pay $31 dollars, which was the price. So, I returned #1 Ladies Detective Agency, which I’ve decided – I hate that book.
Alexis No. Oh know.
Kari I’m so sorry. We’ll talk about it later. It’s garbage. Basura.
Alexis We gonna read it now.
Kari Mmm we ain’t gotta do that. But I’m glad you made me buy it because I think I paid $7.99 for it, and I got a thirty dollar book in exchange. That makes no sense, but that’s the way it’s set up.
So if you’re familiar with Kindle, and I’m going to throw Audible in there, you can return or exchange a book you’ve already read. However, you can also subscribe or if you want one month free, then $9.99 per month. This comes with a caveat: In my opinion, the Kindle Unlimited Library is very limited. So if you are signing up for Kindle…
Alexis Yes it is!
Kari Yeah. Are you on that now?
Alexis Yes.
Kari Yeah, so I doubt Such a Fun Age, which is a new book that came out that we reviewed, I doubt that’s on there. Even Warmth of Other Suns. I’m doubting that’s on there. So it’s like a lot of public domain books, which makes me feel like, well, why would you even pay a subscription for books that are free to the public? But anyway…
No 3: Libby, are you familiar with Libby?
Alexis Yeah, that’s connected to the library.
Kari Yeah, so did you know your local library has thousands of e-books and audio books, you can borrow them instantly for free using just the device in your hand? Look at your hand, everybody. Anything there? Of course, there’s a phone in it because phones are, like, permanently attached to our hands. Now, you can use that to download an ebook and it’s free, legit, free. Sign into multiple libraries, if you want, with one or more cards for each library, download books and audio books for offline reading or stream them to save space. If you want to, download them on your device. And if you prefer reading on your Kindle, Libby can even send your library book to the app if you live in the United States. So that’s a benefit. There is a downside, though, I guess. I mean, it is tied to whatever content your library has purchased. So, it’s limited.
Alexis Yeah, I think it’s a great service because you can still borrow from other libraries and get book.
Kari That’s right. That’s right. And newer books might have longer wait times, but they’re still there. They’re still available to download.
No 4: Overdrive. Overdrive is similar to Libby. They were created by the same people, but it’s a little more archaic than Libby. And this can be a good thing because if your mom really likes e-books, but she has a device from, I don’t know, five years ago, she might not be able to get the Libby app on her device. They may have phased out service for her device, but she could probably still download Overdrive. So that’s the benefit for that. I wouldn’t use it because it’s not like – cute. Libby is a real, like, millennial friendly app. It’s like got colors and it’s like game-like. Overdrive is just more archaic for the old folks.
Alexis It is. It’s very basic. It is. It is very basic. But the library has that one, too.
Kari Yeah, exactly.
No. 5: Hoopla, also through the library. It’s similar to Libby, similar to Overdrive, smaller catalog. But Hoopla’s benefit is that it has unlimited copies of selected titles of ebooks, audio books, movies and music.
I’ve been using this app for years to borrow movies. Have you heard of it?
Alexis Yeah, yeah also through the library.
Kari I see why you love that place. I don’t know how anybody making money with the library open, but anyway … There are no holds. You get content immediately.
No. 6: Last on my list, public domain book sources. You guys, some of those books you love, some of those classics are so old that no one really owns the rights to them.
That means no one should be making that much money off of them.
You might see these as $2.99 books on Amazon, on a Kindle, or in bookstores. They’ll be deeply discounted, and the cover will be something generic that the bookstore created. Those books are public domain books. They’re free to the public and you can use an aggregator such as Project Gutenberg to pull those books.
You can pull up a lot of these free books. Also, Google “public domain books” and you’ll get a list of different websites you can visit to pull your free book.
Alexis So, it’s like an ebook?
Kari It can be, but the ones I’ve found are usually PDF’s to be honest. And you can alternatively usually read them from the website. So, for example, when we did Animal Farm, I forgot it at home, so I just Googled it and read it off of one of these websites while I was getting my nails done. Easy, breezy. So that’s the list.
But I also want to say there are things you can do now to support your indie bookstores.
Check your local bookstore’s, your indie bookstore’s, social media accounts. Maybe email and see what options they have for you to still support them. Some are also teaming with apps where, if you buy e-books through that app, for Volumes in Chicago, for example, they get 100% of the proceeds from that purchase. So, they may have even partnered with some app or program so as to keep them afloat during this time. It’s really important that we support our indie bookstores now more than ever. So, you know, exchange your books on Kindle, do that because that’s free, but buy your books from indie books and that’s it.
Alexis Definitely. Yeah.
Kari Can we take a break?
Alexis I love that.
Kari OK, sounds good.
Kari We’re back. Welcome back, Alexis.
I don’t know how much time the warden says we have, but I’ll try to make this quick. Can you please give us some context on Agatha Christie and maybe her inspiration for And Then There Were None.
Alexis OK. All right. So here’s what I know about Agatha Christie. She was born in 1890 in South Wales, England. She taught herself to read by the age of five and had no formal education until she was 16 or 17. She married her first husband in 1914 and had a child in 1916.
And it was during the First World War that she took to writing detective stories, around 1916. Her sister, bet her that she couldn’t write a good detective story. And her debut novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, was published in 1920 after being rejected by six publishers.
Kari Wow.
Alexis It was her lifelong ambition to travel on the Orient Express. And during that time, she met her second husband, and that was it in 1930. And she wrote six romance novels under the name Mary Westmacott. Yeah, in August of 1926 there’s a story about her going missing for like 11 days. Yeah, I don’t have the full details and neither does anybody else.
Kari I know what happened! She was like, “You know what, you’re going to take me for granted. I got some for you!” And so she went to the spa and pretended to be somebody else, even though she was pretending by herself.
Alexis Yeah, well, she pretended to be – Her husband was a philanderer, so she pretended to be his the woman he was cheating with. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. And so she was dancing at where? She was at one of the balls and one of the people came out of there and called the police.
Kari Yeah, well, she was at the spa, and people were like, “Agatha?” She was like, “Oh, heavens, no, darling. My name’s Mary.” “Agatha. I’m reading your book right now.” “Who is this Agatha?!”
Alexis “That’s not me. Nope. That’s not me.”
Kari She had amnesia.
Alexis And that’s what they said. She had amnesia.
She’s a very private woman. And in her autobiography, she didn’t mention it at all.
So that’s not a thing.
Agatha Christie is the best selling novelist of all time. She is best known for her 60+ novels and 14 short story collection, as well as the world’s longest running play: The Mousetrap.
And Then There Were None is Christie’s best-selling novel. It has a hundred million in sells. The book is The World’s Best Selling Mystery Ever. And one of the best-selling books of all time, described as one of her most difficult books. I’ve tried to find the reason we’re why that was. . .
Kari I read that it was the most difficult for her to write.
Alexis Yeah, but why?
Kari Well, I assume because everyone has a back story, but they all have to come together and all has to make sense at the end. And it’s a whodunit where the reader could actually try to guess who it was, which is rare. Murder on the Orient Express, there’s no way you’re going to guess who did it. It’s almost like – it’s not almost like – he’s pulling clues that the reader could never have been privy to. Whereas this book, you’re given all the evidence and you could kind of guess as you go, and that is really rare.
So that was probably really difficult to map together. All those storylines.
Alexis Maybe, maybe that sounds like a good reason, though. The first book, it was first published in 1939 as The Ten Little [N-words] in the United States.
Kari Guard. Guard!
Alexis You know, they can’t hear you.
Kari What was the original name of this book you chose for us to read on this very black podcast?
Alexis Right. The original title for this book was Ten Little [N-words], and it was based on a song that was adapted in 1868 by Frank Green of the same title.
Yeah. It was used in minstrel shows throughout the world and it was widely known in Europe. By the time it came to the U.S. a few months later, in January of 1940, we have the current title And Then There Were None. And between 1964 and 1986, it was published under the title Ten Little Indians. The original Island, just like in this book, is called Indian Island, the original island was called [N-word] Island.
Kari I’m sorry- In your book, it’s called what?
Alexis In the original book it’s called [N-word] Island.
Kari Yeah, but you said in your book it’s called Indian Island.
Alexis Yeah, my book is called Indian Island.
Kari Oh my goodness. What is the copyright on your racist book? Where did you get this book? Can I just say, this is why ya’ll need to stop going to the library.
Alexis Ten Little Indians is throughout the poem. What does yours say? 10 little soldiers?
Kari Yes, of course! And they’re on Soldier Island. This makes perfect sense.
That’s why you texted me and said, “what kind of book am I reading?” And I thought, I don’t know what she means. This is quite a pleasant novel.
Alexis I think mine is the 1940’s version. . . So, that’s all I have about Agatha Christie.
Kari And now can you please give us a brief synopsis of And Then There were None by Agatha Christie? No spoilers, please.
Alexis OK. Ten people head to Soldier Island after being enticed by a person named U.N. Owen. Shortly after they arrive, they hear an announcement that accuses each guest of a heinous murder.
So, Kari, what were your first thoughts on this book?
Kari I accidentally read this book in a day because I sat down to read two chapters, but I got so taken in by the story that I had to know how it ended. And so, you know, four hours later, still sitting in that chair, dishes still not washed. It’s OK. I’m on quarantine.
My first thought was: I’m very interested in reading it. When I opened it up, could not put it down. Where were your first thoughts?
Alexis I opened it up and put it down. Let me start with that. I read, like two weeks ago, you know, they’re really tiny chapters. I wasn’t drawn in, I don’t know, it just did not capture me at all by the time I got to that first poem. I was just like, what am I reading here?
Kari Well, you’ve brought up before that Agatha always throws in, and I’ve only read two Agatha Christie books, but something racist in her book, either something racist or someone racist. I was reading on Goodreads people felt like that kind of tells you who Agatha was. But the thing is, the racist individual always gets rebuked or it’s to come across to the reader that this racist individual was ignorant. So, I really think maybe Agatha had a thing with racist people.
OK, thank you. And now. The moment we’ve all been waiting for: A deep dove into, And Then There Were None. Can you please give us a plot summary with all of the spoilers?
And I must say, if you haven’t read this book and you’re interested in reading it, it’s worth holding off, not listening to this particular episode until you finish. Because the ending. Well, OK, go ahead.
Alexis OK, so the story begins with eight characters in transit on their way to a town called Sticklehaven. That’s where they’re going to meet up, where they’re going to take a boat to the mysterious island called Soldier Island at that time to meet their host or see their host.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen. Some are traveling by car. Some are traveling by train. They’re going to this beautiful house, which is described as being really modern, the essence of modernity, modern. The house is not old, essentially. There’s no creaking stairs, no dark shadows and walls. This is a very modern home. When they arrive at the island, they’re greeted by the butler and his wife, who serves as the cook.
And while the wife serves as a cook and the housekeeper, and when they arrive, they’re told their hosts are delayed and will arrive tomorrow, but in the meantime, they should make themselves at home. Each guest is taken to his or her room. And one guest by the name of Vera, who was invited to serve as a secretary to Mrs. Owen, she notices a nursery rhyme that hangs on the wall, and she recognizes this poem from her childhood.
She feels like the poem is appropriate.
Ten little Soldier boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were nine.
Nine little Soldier boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were eight.
Eight little Soldier boys traveling in Devon;
One said he’d stay there and then there were seven.
Seven little Soldier boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.
Six little Soldier boys playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
Five little Soldier boys going in for law;
One got into Chancery and then there were four.
Four little Soldier boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.
Three little Soldier boys walking in the zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were two.
Two little Soldier boys playing with a gun;
One shot the other and then there was One.
One little Soldier boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.
Alexis They’re preparing for dinner, not sure what to expect. They had drinks. Then they sat for dinner and relax and get to know each other. They let us get to know our characters a little more. Our first guest, Justice wore grace just as War Graves is a retired judge. Our second guess is Vera Claythorne, and she was invited, as I mentioned earlier, by Mrs. Owens, to work as the secretary. This she was happy to have this opportunity because she was definitely a governess and was looking for some summer work.
A third guest is Philip Lombard.
Lombard is a mercenary.
Yeah, and then our fourth guest is Miss Emily Brant. She’s about 65.
Our next guest is General MacArthur. He was invited to meet up with old cronies and, you know, kind of talk about old times from the war. Yeah. And then there’s. Dr. Armstrong, who was invited to provide care for Mrs. Owens, who may be sick. And then Tony or Anthony Marston. He was invited through a friend to come up, thinking there was going to be a good time had by all. He’s the youngest one in the bunch. And then there’s a Mr. Davis. Who was actually Mr. Blore, and he is a former police investigator, and so he knows the names of everybody that’s going to be there. So they’re having dinner.
Oh, I’m sorry. And then I forgot the manservant and maid, the cook and his wife. Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. So these are the 10 people in the house.
So before getting up from the table, they noticed these 10 little soldier figures on the table and everybody kind of identified that there’s 10 of them. And I think it kind of goes with the thing that’s without derisive laughter, enjoying a fine dinner and relaxing a bit with the port, the port, the way they hear boys accusing each of them of a very specific murder committed in the past.
Into that silence came The Voice. Without warning, inhuman, penetrating…. Ladies and gentlemen! Silence please!… You are charged with the following indictments: “Edward George Armstrong, that you did upon the 14th day of March, 1925, cause the death of Louisa Mary Clees…. “Lawrence John Wargrave, that upon the 10th day of June, 1930, you were guilty of the murder of Edward Seton. “Prisoners at the bar, have you anything to say in your defence?”
So the first thing they try to do after they hear this voice is figure out where this voice is coming from. So they look, of course, to the butler. Mr. Rogers, Mr. Rogers is like, hey, no, wait. I just followed some very specific instructions. It’s a gramophone in the room. So they find this gramophone with an album on it and of course, is playing, you know, and of course, they wanted to start playing. Mr. Rogers says when he arrived, which is actually two days before he was given very specific instructions on when to play this recorded message, and it was while they were having coffee in the drawing room. So we learned, of course, at this point that Mr. and Mrs. Rogers had never actually met the host. And then after comparing notes with all the other guests, none of them have met the. They are begin to start explaining their story of personal innocence, how these accusations are wrong against them except three people. The first one is Mrs. Branch’s legs, and that England dignify that with a response. And then there’s Anthony Marston, who says, yes, there were these kids. They just kind of ran out into the street and and there was even going that fast. So they go ahead and they die. But, yeah, I mean, now I got suspended for like a year for that. It was like the worst.
Yeah. My life he was of and his No about that.
Yeah. My license got suspended. It was terribly inconvenient and bad luck and someone was like bad luck for them or for you. For the kid, for you or for the kids that you killed. He’s like, well for me but I guess for them do so, he is supposed to be like the personification of privilege.
And he’s he’s rich. He has access and he’s beautiful. And he’s also a heavy drinker and he drives recklessly. So on one of those drives, he killed two kids.
Yep, yep, yep, yep, and then finally there, Phillip Lambert also says, yeah, I killed 21 people. Yeah, that’s just what I was doing. I was out to myself. That’s what I did there. Yeah, they did. I’m not so bad about it.
Yeah. Because they were native to Africa, so. Yeah, he doesn’t feel bad for that.
After hearing all this information is determined that the best thing for them to do is leave as soon as the boat arrives in the morning.
War Graves said. I am not yet clear as to the purpose of an unknown host and getting us to assemble here. In my opinion, this person, whoever he may be, is not saying in the accepted sense of the word he may be dangerous. In my opinion, it would be well for us to leave this place as soon as possible. I suggest that we leave tonight, Roger said. I beg your pardon, sir, but there’s no boat on the island. No boat at all? No, sir.
How do you communicate with the mainland? Fred Nethercott. He comes over every morning, sir. He brings the bread and the milk and the post and takes the orders, Mr Justice Waldegrave said. Then, in my opinion, it would be well, if we are left tomorrow morning, as soon as Ngarkat Boat arrives, there was a chorus of agreement with only one dissenting voice. It was Anthony Mastan who disagree with the majority opinion supporting what ought to tear up the mystery. Before we go, how things like a detective story positively thrilling, the judge, said Assoli. At my time in life, I have no desire for thrills, as you call them, Anthony said with the grin. The legal lives narrowing. I’m all for crime is to it. He picked up his drink and drank it off at a gulp too quickly.
Perhaps he choked, choked badly, his face contorted, turned purple to gasp for breath, then slid down off his chair, the glass falling from his hand.
So now that Anthony Mastan.
Has died.
Dr. Armstrong believes that he was poisoned.
OK, so Anthony is the one that killed the two kids.
And he’s choked on some alcohol, his drink.
Yep, he choked on the alcohol that he’s been drinking, deep gulp too quickly and chokes and Dr. Armstrong immediately addresses him and he believes that he was poisoned because no one really dies of a choking fit. And the suggestion or the idea that someone like Anthony Marsden’s, who we’ve just described as careless and you know, his self, his importance is more than anyone else’s. It wasn’t possible that this guy would want to commit suicide. So that’s not the answer. And then Beera immediately connects this Marsden’s death to the first verse of the nursery rhyme, which says Ten little soldiers went out to die. One choked as little, though, and then there were nine.
Whoo hoo hoo. And if you give.
Anthony Mastan. The carefree young guy, rich young guy is now dead. And we’re relating to the tone. He was choked. Oh, my goodness. So it was a 68, OK.
I tell you why this happens when the if it ain’t broke the gramophones, lady, I’m sorry. Go ahead. OK.
When the gramophone is going on, Mrs. Rogers really has an immediate reaction. She drops the tray. I think it’s coffee and kind of passes out. Dreams? Yeah. She screams and passes out after hearing her and her husband have been accused of causing someone’s death. She is actually pretty hysterical. And they pick her up and take her to the room. And Dr. Armstrong decides he’s going to he wants to give her something to calm her down because she is really, truly upset. After she is down, the remaining eight stay in the drawing room and they stay up late discussing the day’s events and then set to bed again. Their plan is to leave with the first boat in the morning. The next morning, Mr. Rogers the butler calls Dr. Armstrong to his room. His wife has welcomed the doctor, pronounces her dead. I’m not quite sure how she died. They go about with breakfast being prepared within the day.
Wait, wait, wait. I’m so sorry. Yes, it was. It was. Excuse me. I see your wife is dead.
That’s crazy. How long is breakfast going to take, though? That was crazy to me.
OK, so these people say this is like a little clue that they’re great people.
Yeah, right. Yep. Yeah. So they now know that Mrs. Rogers is dead and they try to reason it out that maybe Mr. Rogers killed his wife because of the way she responded. That was pure guilt.
And and she already this like she her I always shifting and she was hell. Yeah.
Yeah. She has something to hide, so it was easy to believe that they did was they were and then the excuse that he gave her, why they didn’t do it. Yeah, that didn’t work out. Right. Right. People didn’t like that.
So they were like ready to believe that Mr. Rogers killed his wife to show her that he she had never killed the old lady we worked for because she was so good to us. And yeah, when she died, we inherited, like, a lot of her money. But that was just a coincidence.
And we we it was given to us because we had worked so hard for her.
That’s what they said, so but now there are two that. And Veev, Claiborne’s now realizes that two of the statues are missing. Convinced now that they’ve been set up, they are again determined to leave, however, the boat that typically typically comes in the morning has not has not arrived. So Armstrong Law and Lumbered are convinced that the host who invited them there. It’s on the island, so they set out to find them and they looked everywhere on the island for him.
Everyone is waiting, knocking them off one by one.
And so they’re like, yeah, he he’s going to keep us here and kill us all are we got to find him? And it’s a small island so we can find him if we team up.
And then I think somewhere in this time, they find out that Lambert owns a revolver.
He brought a general.
And this is an American and I like this while English people are shocked.
Why would you bring a gun to a vacation? What do you want me to do? Something else?
Yeah, exactly.
They’re very unsure about that. But as a whole, the group, of course, of mine is lumbered and. Emily Brant seem to be more reflective about. Their experiences with these accused dead people, but the people they’ve been accused of killing. All right. General MacArthur is especially reflective because he’s accused of causing the death of his wife’s lover. This was a man that was under him and he was accused of sending him off to be killed like David in the Bible. Yeah, because he knew that he was having an affair with his wife. And so he feels like he’s been found out. And it’s really essentially time to pay the price. And so while sitting by the sea and reflecting on this there, Clay Thornton walks up to him and he can. MacArthur admits that he has killed his wife’s lover. And he also tells her that we’re not leaving this island.
No one is exactly. He’s essentially decided, Robert, he doesn’t want to leave the island. He wants this to be the end for him. He’s tired of his guilt.
Yeah, that that’s kind of been holding him. So the gong is wrong, is it a good.
I feel like said it was something a bell is rung for lunch because the house is big.
The island is big. Well, I can hear it. So they ring the gong and everyone heads back to the table. Everyone except General MacArthur, he was out by the sea. So they’re thinking, well, he probably wouldn’t hear because he’s out by the sea, you know, kind of out there reflecting. Dr. Armstrong goes out to get General MacArthur to bring him back for lunch soon after he comes racing back to the house and says General MacArthur is dead. The answer to these everyone’s speechless.
Yeah, but they also note there are only seven statues on the table, so.
And there are statues on hand.
There were ten statues in the middle of the dinner table. And as they’re dying, these statues are unexplainably inexplicably disappearing here.
Yeah. And since the entire island was just searched, just as war graces, there’s only one conclusion. Mr. Owen is actually one of us.
Oh, yes. And that we’ve actually been invited here for some time, but execution of justice against these offenses, just as war graves suggests that they simply consider the fact everyone has had an opportunity to commit the three murders that have occurred.
And the killer is obviously dangerous and criminally insane. So you are can be a potential, Mr. Owen.
No one is exempt.
Meanwhile, folks start to make a decision about who they start to feel like they’re making alliances at this point. Kind of sidestep up. Mm hmm.
Just a few of them, you know, like any kind of reality TV show. Some say Dr. Armstrong and some say Mr. Rogers and some say even just as we great. But also on this island, the weather is starting to take a turn. And with the weather taking a turn, that means no boats can get to the island. That delays any traffic or opportunity for them to leave the island. No one is going to come save them, so they’re essentially sitting ducks. Everyone needs to be spoiler alert. They go to bed. The next day, people start moving about, Mr. Rogers hasn’t caught anyone for breakfast, so they head out to search for him. They head to the dining room and they’re immediately notices that there are only six statues in the middle of the table and they find him shortly thereafter.
He was chopping sticks in preparation for starting the kitchen fire. Mr. Rogers has been charged.
That was a study as the gas bill with the shock of another mass murder mystery is missing.
And so you are exactly as against deal with the shock of another death there. Thorn is on the verge of hysteria and asks, do they keep bees on the island? They’re like, I mean, what are you talking about?
And she insists that they need to pay attention to the polls because that’ll tell them what’s next. Seven little soldier boys chopping up sticks. One chap, myself and a half, and then there were six, six little soldiers playing with the hive, a bumblebee stolen, and then there were five.
Dr. Armstrong strikes her on the cheek and she says, thank you, I’m all right now for speaking.
That’s like that’s like a standard, but it’s usually a woman slapping somebody away.
But I think that’s common in those days where people take their place on.
Now heads into the kitchen with Emily Bryan. She had been avoiding her because she, Emily Brant, has shared her story, the story that she would not share with everyone else in that room. She explains.
What happened in her scenario, Tavera, with the person she is accused of killing, yes, but only because she felt like it was, you know, something that men didn’t need to hear. So she wanted to, you know, to share that with. Vera, so she says she shares that story of what happened to Emily Brant, continued thoughtfully.
Beatrice Taylor was in service with me, not a nice girl, as I found out, too late. I was very much deceived in her. She had nice manners and was very clean and willing. I was very pleased with her. Of course, all that was the sheer hypocrisy. She was a loose girl with no morals, disgusting. It was sometime before I found out that she was what they call in trouble. She paused, her delicate nose, sprinkling itself in distaste. It was a great shock to me. Her parents were decent folk, too, who had brought her up very stoically.
I’m glad to say they did not condone her behavior there, said staring at Miss Brant. What happened? Naturally, I did not keep her an hour under my roof. No one should ever say that I condoned immorality, Behar said in a lower voice.
What happened to her, Miss Brant said the abandoned creature not content with having one person on a conscious, committed, still a grave until she took her own life. Whispered horror struck. She killed herself.
Yes. She threw herself into the river there shivered.
She stared at the calm, delicate profile. Miss Brant, she said, what did you feel like when you knew she’d done that? What you. Sorry, didn’t you blame yourself?
Emily Brant drew herself up. I had nothing with which to reproach myself there said. But if your forgiveness drove her to it, Emily Brant said softly, her own action, her own self.
That was what drove her to it.
If she had behaved like a decent, modest young woman, none of this would have happened.
So now we kind of get an impression of Emily Brant as a very rigid and religious person that has no mercy, right? So when they’re in the kitchen now, they’re starting to prepare breakfast because now you have Mr. Rogers dead and Mrs. Radosta, the women, of course, going to the kitchen.
Right. Of course, go into the kitchen. And right now we’re for death.
They’re start rumbling about a possible killer. And then Emily Brand is now considered a suspect because they consider her a religious fanatic. She’s got this overly righteous here. So as they prepare breakfast, Emily Brant encourages Vera to stay calm. As you know, she just kinda freaked out. And Vera asked, Aren’t you afraid of dying? And she says in ways that she’s not going to die, the others would, but not her, that she had never done anything of which to be ashamed of. So naturally, why would Emily Bradby finish up breakfast? And they serve it to everyone. Everyone’s saying they’re engaging in meals almost as if things are normal. But in their minds are like, who’s next? What’s going to happen? Who did that? Did he believe me? There’s all kinds of things. The book is sharing some of the thoughts that are going through the people’s minds. And after breakfast, they agree. Let’s meet up and we’re going to discuss what’s happened in about a half an hour. After breakfast, Emily Grant, she wanted to assist here in the kitchen, but she was feeling a little giddy. I guess that’s a bad thing because she needed to sit down that Armstrong want to offer something and she immediately refused. Now, as you know, they think that something is poisoning people. So nobody won nothing from him.
Everybody is afraid.
So when it was time for the meeting. Everyone was accounted for, dressed when they go back to look for her, they see a baby in the house and Emily Brant is dead.
Oh, my God.
The chair that the lady, the fanatic has died.
Yes, well, she’s been poisoned by injections again, suspicion on Doctor Armstrong is highlighted. There’s a killer there, like we need to check your bag. You hold and stop.
Well, yeah, because five people I now get a needle. Yeah, exactly. So four people are dead now.
The first died after drinking something. It seems to be death by cyanide, which only a doctor would have. He did give something to Mrs. Rogers to help her sleep. She got too much of it and she died. They don’t know about the Mr. Rogers getting shot to have.
And then the old lady is poisoned with a needle, so only a doctor would have a needle.
Yeah, so I guess and we said, could you give us all your stuff? We know you have to give it to us so they decide to. And that actually wore suggest suggested this, I believe, pull out all implemented that whatever you are gonna give it to us, we’re going to put it in a pile of it. So they take all of his drugs and whatever drugs are in the house and and they take lumberyards revolver and they know actually they go to look for it and the revolver is gone. Right. And not in a place that’s kind of shocking. Well, that is just shocking. Why is a revolver missing? And also, why do you have a revolver that still concerns us?
That’s what the people are thinking.
Oh, the drugs are stored and put away. They give a key to Lambert and they give a key to. Now, during Kornblau is the inspector, but he’s involved in all the searching at the house, just kind of helping with clean up when it comes to dead bodies. Take him back to the bed. They give them key because they’re supposed to be the biggest to that. You know, if you have to fight them to get it, you’re not going. Is that going to happen?
If they get to fight each other, they’re and say so before we. So Davis was actually Blore employer is an ex police detective.
And then this mercenary lumber is also muscular, like man of, you know, imposing structure. So they are seen as the two physically fit gentlemen in the group.
Yeah. And no one can mess with them.
They mention they’re looking all over the house for this revolver and they just that in this town and I believe that at this point is this one they’re searching. People are saying you have to strip your clothes off.
Yeah. Everyone gets in there and their role. Yeah.
Everyone has to wear a dressing gown or towel while they go through all their stuff while everyone else goes through your things.
And you just stand there and watch and everybody gets it. No special case, this woman, you also put on some because we check and everything, right? War graves also reminded everybody, you know, you can’t find this gun. Be careful, stay together. They can get us if we’re all together. The scene is now set five that remain. And it’s all about self-preservation because everybody’s nervous. Everybody’s questioning everything. They’re like animals in the pen. The weather was still bad. There’s no hope of letup. It’s no hope of getting off this island. Everybody is on edge, right?
They’re no longer having meals prepared for them. They’re like, go in the kitchen. I think they were eating whatever was canned. Yes, they were even canned food.
Going in the kitchen, cooking that, opening up the can, and when somebody won a coffee, they all went in the kitchen to have the coffee because they didn’t want and no one wanted to be poisoned by when they were just.
Extra high, you know, alert, aware of what was going on, and they’re truly trying to protect themselves, right. So. They realize this one evening that there’s no there’s no light to go to turn on the light switch, there’s no light. Mr. Rogers was out there and he never had the opportunity to come in and kind of set everything up with light, right?
So they had to work hard for the fire. But because he died or was trapped in half and no one else had the wherewithal to cut their wood, they just completely forgot about it. And now they’re sitting in the dark.
If it sounds ridiculous, but that’s what happened.
OK, folks, it’s been a dark day, like what are we going to do? They go get candles. Right. So they go and they gather up these candles and very decide they’ve had enough. I can’t sit in this room anymore. This is just really hard. Their situation is really difficult. They are on edge. She’s like, I’m going upstairs and take a bath. Right. I’m tired. I can’t do this anymore. I stay here. I’m going in my room, closed the door. So she heads of stairs with a candle and closes the men in the drawing room. And when she gets up to the room, she finds a scent reminiscent of her time back when she was caring for a young child. She is accused of killing anyway. She said he was naughty, so he was OK.
But Hugo Cyro, the little boy that she used to be the governance of, I would always ask to go swimming by the rocks, which were far out into the water. And he had this, like, annoying high voice. Now it seems like everyone else really loves Cyril, but his governess, who is very cool. But yeah, that was her thing that the boy used to govern.
Yeah, but she also thinks about what happened to Hugo, the uncle, what happened to them? I thought we were in love. What happened? He just kind of disappeared. Where are we together? And we’re doing this reflecting the candle goes out and she’s standing in this room and she’s looking to light the candle and she starts to feel something clammy, touch her throat and she screams bloody murder. She screams at the top of her lungs and the men come running the remaining men, that is. So that’s the four men downstairs to see what’s happening to her when the men arrive there, collapses on the floor and the men know the seaweed hanging from the ceiling, seaweed hanging from the ceiling.
I’m like, why is that a thing?
Yeah, they realize that it must have been the seaweed that touched the neck. And she’s relieved, but she still feels a little faint. So they offer her some some brandy. But see that no one’s taking anything from anybody. They did see where it came from.
So that’s not going to happen like the opening quarter. OK, now they go open a new bottle.
Yeah, yeah. They say I’ll take and somebody says I’m going to get a new bottle shoes. Like just give me some wine. OK, that would be better. And she realizes, wait, where’s the judge. Where’s your grave.
But they didn’t realize what grave with and with him, they thought he came running up the stairs with him. All together, they were supposed to be together. The man thought about it, wasn’t with them, so they go to look for work. They head back downstairs to the drawing room and they find more great dad.
He’s dressed in a wig. And a red shower curtain.
With a stain mark on his forehead, it’s something Patrick that’s described in the book, but he’s dead. OK, is that Dr. Armstrong rushes over, raises his left hand, felt his post, and, of course, pronounces him dead and says he’s been shot. Lauren says with the revolver.
Densify missing revolver has killed a revolver. Yeah, yeah.
But the revolver was not left in the room by the murdered man. It’s not a thing that revolver is still nowhere to be found shot, though they did not hear a gun. The Gloria explains that is likely because of all the screaming and the running upstairs. All of that would have black the hearing of a gunshot.
The line from the poem is repeated, it seems, as they begin to know who the killer might be. They’re proved innocent with their death by little soldiers going in for law, one that in Chancery.
And then there were four. Does it bother you that law and for don’t rhyme?
Yes, very much so, I just read that I love the way better than life. It doesn’t mind, folks. I don’t know what happened there.
Hmm. They had to be there and they locked the doors behind them.
There’s four people left. There are among them that they can’t sleep. They’re going to their rooms and they still have time to reflect. This private time, there is my goes to Hugo and Syria, where she tells him to go out to swim in the big Lack’s and will surprise your mother when you are standing up on the Big Brother. Again, as you recall. Sarah wasn’t supposed to go out there to swim because he wasn’t strong enough, but he wanted to prove himself and dear. Encouraged him to go out there.
So she wonders if Hugo suspected that maybe she sent the child out there.
OK, so Sarah was the little boy that Vera Governor Sarah had an uncle named Hugo. Hugo was in line to inherit a bunch of money. But when Sarah’s dad died, his mom was unexpectedly pregnant with Sarah, the little boy. So when Sarah was born, he inherited the money that Hugo was supposed to get and Hugo was broke. Hugo didn’t seem to mind this, except that he couldn’t marry really because he was penniless and he would be filthy rich if it wasn’t for the little boy.
It was like the Lion King, you know, housecat is like, I would be king if you didn’t come around.
Except imagine this guy really likes what was his name, whatever it was, the kid, you know, in The Lion King.
Simbo, imagine that scar and samba are like kicking me all the time. And Scott really loves Simba, even though Simba is getting his inheritance. Yeah, that’s it.
Yeah. Mm hmm.
But so many to Hugo, because I like the idea of sending out this child to swim.
Well, we already know that he’s not strong enough to go. That one really, really doesn’t do well for Barbara because she’s a murderer. Yeah, yeah, that’s what the law law thinks about the victim he’s accused of killing. His name is Landau. Now, it wasn’t really clear to me why he would have killed Landau, but it sounds like he was a bad cop or this tax inspector, he was a bad cop, and so he killed this man. But during this time, he has an opportunity to reflect about the family that this man he had that died after he had put away on trumped up charges. He had a wife and a 14 year old daughter, and he wonders what happened to them.
Yes, Landro was innocent.
The ex cop would also he had a temper he wouldn’t control and he would also get involved. And it sounds like some organized crime. Maybe like maybe you could hire him to kill someone that you didn’t want talking.
Yeah. Oh, he was dirty. Dirty. Hmm. OK. So when Vlora had land there and the guy put away, he dies later in prison because he felt sick. Of course I did that. He felt sick is it really is. But the fact that he had him in prison and he died wasn’t is that all those things make him, you know, a murderer.
Yeah. And so reflecting. Gloria, years footsteps outside the door, he’s like, wait a minute, what’s going on?
He opens up the door and he sees Dr. Armstrong running down out the door. And so after he hears that, he goes back to get lumbered and they follow him out to kind of see where he’s going to see where he’s going. And they tell Veera to stay in the room.
Don’t come out.
They return and they say they can’t find Dr. Armstrong. He goes missing. They recite a poem. Well, I think beer brings it up there, brings up the poem for a little soldier, boys going out to see a red with a red herring swallowed one. And then there were three.
Soulja Boy, tell them.
Lemba tells blog his revolver was returned to him. Oh, I’ll play. OK. How’d you get that back? They looked all over for Dr. Armstrong and determined.
Not only is he missing, but he’s the killer. We think he did it. They think he’s missing because it’s actually a red herring.
So as such, as the poem says, this is an idea that kind of puts you off a little bit. They know this is a fine and the Wendle Hedeman.
That, again, it’s a false clue.
Yes, they noticed the pain. The window has been smashed, but there’s still only three statutes remaining. The next day, they said, you know what, we can’t stay in this house anymore. I’ve had enough. We’re going to go out to the cliff outside and we’re going to send S.O.S. signals and hope that someone will be someone will have to see this, even though they feel that is completely hopeless to try. They’re determined to do what they’re going to do it anyway. They want to get off this island, and while Elci Explorer decides that he’s hungry now, Blair has been hungry the whole book.
OK, he’s always wanted to eat. I’m not mad at him. I would be hungry, too. This is stressful. But while he’s outside, he’s like, I’m hungry. I want some tea or some don’t. I was like, Now.
Did you do this? You want to go to everybody hungry all the time?
That’s what I came for you to murder because is always be hungry soon.
Exactly. Exactly. Nobody else wants to go back to the house. They like the fact that everybody is getting murdered. I don’t want to eat, but you want to eat. That’s the problem. No, I say it’s like feeding time at the zoo, OK? Blair walks back to the house as the hungry. Right. And then shortly after that, they hear a sound. They I’m referring to Lumberg and Beera. They’re still outside, but they hear a sound back at the house, almost like the sound of an earthquake. So they go to sea and they find lower is dead.
Oh, my God. You think fresh. He ain’t hungry? No.
Buy a block of white marble that’s in the form of a bear. And that’s just above. There is room if there’s room.
They believe Armstrong did it. They head back to the cliff and they see some clothes, folks floating. They go down to look and figure out what these clothes are and they find out that is Dr. Armstrong’s body lodged between two rocks and he’s dead. Together, they pull him from the shore and Vera leans in to kind of help him pull and tug the body because it’s just the two of them.
So now it’s Vera and Lombard left Vera, no everybody else that they now officially know that Dr. Armstrong is dead. They’ve put him in there and Mumba together, Lemba turns around and realizes his revolver is not in his pocket. And he looks at to see they’re pointing at him. Oh, he underestimated her. He really did. He said, give me the revolver. He led sports as she shot him. No, was dead.
Vera. Is the only one standing she’s like relieved. Oh, my goodness, I’m so relieved.
Yeah, her first naza until I went to this island so bad. Were you the only one left on it?
That feel like I’m alone in the island.
There’s my body, dead bodies. You know, there’s there’s nothing to fear anymore. I’m good. You know, this is kind of a great place. I this this spot that planning to for now, she’s hungry and sleepy.
She goes back, she goes back to the house to go get her something to eat.
She returned to her room. She thinks she’s going to get some real sleep, some peace. And she thought about tomorrow that she would just be rescued.
She notices the remaining three statutes on the table and she wonders how it ends and says one little soldier left out alone. She got married and then there were none. That’s how she remembered the. She heads upstairs, she still has the revolver in her pocket, but as she heads off, there’s the revolver falls out. She’s kind of that this.
He’s about her and she’s kind of reflective and she’s remembering her memories and events over the last few days and she’s not in her right mind anymore, you know.
So she’s walking up the stairs. As I said, the revolver falls out and she has one of the statues in her pocket and that she drops when she gets her room, she sees a chair in the news. She walks to the chair and stands or less telling herself this is worth over one. And she hangs herself there, is dead, and then there were. The police arrive the next day, some Boy Scout saw the S.O.S. don’t know, but no one to get to the island, but no one could get to the island right away. The sea levels were still very high, so they had to wait a couple days. Well, I think it was still a few days after she died that they came to the island, that a loss for what happened. But they did. They were able to grab some diaries and piece a story together. But still, it remains a mystery. The mystery of the deaths on Soldier Island baffles the police until a message in a bottle turns up. The late justice wore Gray wrote a manuscript explaining how he planned the murders because he wanted to punish those whose crimes are not punishable under law. He even admits his own lust for blood. We find that find out that Margrave was dying. And instead of just laying down and just letting death happen, he said he decides to die in a blaze. He explained how he murdered all and he even tricked Dr. Armstrong into helping him fake his own death and then promising to meet him off the cliff. But when he met him, he pushed him off the cliff. Then we turn to the house and pretend to be dead. The plan was that he was his aunt. He would shoot himself and then. It would look like the body still in bed.
Yeah, so he shot himself in a way where the gun was not near his hand. Once he released the trigger, he had it, like, tied to this rubber string. And so when he killed himself, the gun was in the doorway. I think anyway, it was it was it looked as if someone had shot him and dropped the gun.
What a story. Yeah, the end. Let’s take a break. OK, sounds good.
And it wasn’t that intriguing.
Yeah. Yeah, I agree, Kyrie Yeah, let’s hear your final verdict.
Oh, this book is really good. So I would say that this is my favorite murder mystery I’ve ever read.
Well one of them and I love how there are layers that Agatha had to think through and I thought she did really well. Like all of these people are joined together because they committed murders that in which they cannot be punishable by law because, for example, Veera told that boy to swim out into the rocks and he drowned and she, like, took her time trying to swim to him. But she made it look like she was really she almost drowned herself trying to save him to the point where the boy’s mother didn’t even blame her. So that was murder, even though she can’t be punished for it. And so to think about how these people were killers, everyone actually but the judge. So the judge feels like you idiots should have known it was me because I’m the only one here that’s not a murderer.
So if I had came out like, hey, all these accusations are true except the judge the judge has because he’s the only innocent one, ironically, he must be the murderer.
But they didn’t it. So, yeah, I really liked it. You really good. I finished it and was ready for more. I would love like a part two. I don’t know. Anyway, it’s really good. What about you. What’s your. Oh I would highly recommend it. What’s your final verdict. I loved it.
I really did. I enjoyed it immensely. After after I got past the point, the first death literally took me out. I’m like, wait, I mean, it was just.
Yeah, well, you hear what happened.
And then from there on I was like, wow, I mean, what’s next? But I could have put it down and probably because I was tired, but I could put it down. I was still intrigued. I was still drawn in by it. There’s no colorful words. I like how she gets in there and just tell the story.
Yeah, sorry. That Will woke up. It was just enough and the show got on the road as soon as they all got in the house. Yeah. Like that.
Yeah, in the beginning, though, that was slow for me, and I think I also went back and I took a lot of notes in that section, too, because I was trying to figure out what should I be understanding. And as I read through later, I probably need to take as many notes because it was kind of a little bit repeated throughout. So that was good. But yeah, I would definitely recommend it and in fact, help people read it before they listen to it so they can give us some commentary about their thoughts as well. Yeah.
By the book, it’s a it is an easy read. And, you know, I don’t be saying that it’s an easy week.
It is. Agathe is really good for that. She doesn’t overcomplicate things, but she explained the story really well. The characters were fleshed out. There was stuff there. Yeah. Great pick. Great pick, Alexis.
OK, so that was and then there were none by Agatha Christie. Great pick. Alexis, thank you for listening to little society. We’ll see you next Thursday. Little Societys brought to you by Alexis Honoria and Corey Herrera. Support the cause by leaving a five star review for our show on apple pie cash.
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I’m so that’s it. Yeah. So, until next time – READ SOMETHING!