Such a Fun Age is a story contrasting who we are as individuals against the role society has cast us to play. It follows Emira Tucker, a black 25-year-old who feels she's failing at adult life, and her white 30-something boss Alix who teeters around her own looming failures. As the two make efforts to dissolve their differences, a shocking realization shows the futility of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

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πŸ—£Hear ye, hear ye! We are geeks and not afraid to show it. Fortunately, we have found a community of fellow book-loving weirdos in you, and for that, we're grateful. Today, we bring you the weirdest thing we do – dramatic readings of our favorite passages from our favorite (and least favorite) books. We've taken sections from past shows and stuffed them into one very strange episode.

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Some are good, some are great, and others are an abomination. We're talking books; specifically, we are discussing the books we loved (and hated) most from season two. If you're new to our podcast or a long-time listener, this is an excellent episode to find the books and discussion we enjoyed the most.

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A fictional story, written as a brilliant profile on one of the greatest and most misunderstood rock duos in history. Think Mick Jagger and Tina Turner - or Grace Jones + David Bowie. It interviews those responsible for Opal and Nev's rise to fame. Each producer, bandmate, and agent tell their side of who the two stars were and what role they played in the horrific event that led to a man's death and Opal and Nev's ostracization by industry insiders and wannabes for years to come.

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Books are illegal, and being caught with one could mean your life. Society is high on the pacifying pleasures fed to them constantly, including catchy jingles and family-centered television. In this world, firemen don't stop fires; they cause them, bursting into the homes of arrested offenders and setting their literature ablaze. But one fireman has a secret that turns into a problem sure to burn his existence.

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