Despite what we often hear, can the movie ever be better than the book? This week, our theme is just that, and we talk in detail about movies that outshined their source material. Yes, Devil Wears Prada is on this list. Then, it’s on to our book…
What if dinosaurs walked the earth today? Like all questions, the subtext is about power. Who would profit, who would dominate, and who would die? In this page-turning, cliffhanger-packed novel, unbelievable ideas are presented in packages so digestible and feasible that they seem possible, and, in the end, the real monster is who we expected it to be all along. Man. (Oooo, that’s deep.)
The man with a master plan? John Hammond
The book? Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Read a Full Transcript of Jurassic Park by Michael Chrichton (Part 1), the Episode, Below
The little boy inside the wealthy john Hammond has imagined creating a theme park that excited the minds of young and old,
rich and poor though his park is close to completion.
Reports of issues are starting to make his vision seem impossible to achieve.
Will the boyish dreams of john Hammond turned into a nightmare.
The book Jurassic park,
the author Michael Crichton.
And you’re listening to with society les get Yeah,
Hi readers.
This is Alexis and mrs curry when you’re listening to let Society a podcast about books and drama.
So curry.
How was your week?
It was great.
Um yeah,
I’m special.
Um I had a little staycation that was fun at the Langham in downtown Chicago.
I’ve never stayed there.
Have you stayed there before?
I haven’t.
It’s on my list of hotels.
I like to visit hotels and just um,
stay for say same.
So side No,
we just read Crazy Rich Asians.
Can I talk about that a little bit if you want you want.
So not only do we read a book a week,
you guys sometimes we like to really just mess with ourselves and through another book in there for no reason.
So the envelope.
So we were reading about a lot of sad stuff.
So I wanted some escapism and I read crazy rich Asians.
The point is all the rich people in that book.
Don’t um,
squander money on hotels,
they will sleep like 10 people in the room to not spend money on a hotel and that stuck with me because that’s where a lot of my money goes like you,
I love staycations because Chicago is an awesome city.
some of my favorites are the vice royal like staying at the virgin hotel but at the Langham,
I finally felt like I was being treated in the manner I deserve.
And what I mean is before I got out the car.
They said,
hold on,
hold on.
Someone came to my door and said,
do you have everything,
do you have your phone?
And he looking in the back seat from my phone,
I said,
I got my phone.
He said,
okay ma’am,
can I take your bags?
I said,
you can now.
I didn’t know where he worked.
He was just so nice.
But it turned out fortunately he worked where I was going,
good for you,
good for me.
You know,
like I walked in,
I was parched.
They said,
would you like some water?
I said I would.
How did you know?
It was really cool.
So that’s what I did.
And I read some books.
Anything that stands out to you that you read.
honestly I didn’t read crazy rich asians.
I read crazy rich asians,
rich people problems.
not in that order.
Crazy Rich asians.
china rich girlfriend.
What’s the second china rich girlfriend and rich people problems.
I was enjoying the escapism and all the money and the money though.
It sounds fabulous.
So does,
so that’s what I did.
What about you?
What did you do this week?
I don’t know.
I thought I had something special but I don’t that’s fine.
You’re special.
That’s all that’s necessary.
I’m gonna think about it later.
oh yeah,
I went to the zoo but that didn’t happen.
So don’t go to Zoos.
Can I ask you something?
I think a theme aside from the theme of the week,
do you go to Zoos?
I love the zoo’s you love zoos?
And I was thinking I should go to the Brookfield Zoo.
I haven’t been,
but I do enjoy zoos.
You don’t find them ethically like,
like immoral.
You know what can I pause here?
That was the theme.
I wanted to do.
This book really made me bite down on something I’ve been avoiding in my mind.
I love the idea of zoos but Animals in Cages I don’t enjoy.
And this book really made me solidify the fact that yeah,
zoos bother me.
They do.
And I like walking around sneaking in a cocktail,
you know,
that’s all part of it.
Um in Chicago,
we have these Winter lights festival where you put on um glasses and all the lights in the zoo look like Snowmen and that’s really cute and then you’re like walking and drinking but I don’t want to see animals in cages.
It just is bothering,
especially large animals?
Giraffe elephants to see an elephant in the cage.
They’re looking at you like,
you know this thing,
He’s like,
you’re right.
They know elephants are highly intelligent.
So yeah,
but anyway,
so you maybe we’ll talk about that next week because we kind of like 30 minutes into the show.
I would love to talk about next week because that was the initial thing that came to mind as I was reading this book is zoo.
So that’s a great thing.
I can’t wait to bite down.
we’ll do that.
All right,
let’s move on to the theme of the week.
So we’re going to discuss movies that are better than the book because I don’t think I’m Alexis.
Do you?
well then let’s go with this.
We love movies.
We love books.
But is it possible for the movie to be better than the book?
We know books are always going to have more detail because you can only do so much in a 2-3 hour movie.
so carrie,
what are your thoughts?
Can is it 1st,
1st and only answer this question.
Is it possible for a movie to be better than the book?
Why do you feel it lets you do?
Sometimes movies are more economical.
They’re more greedy with the information that they’re feeding you and that can work towards the betterment of the story.
instead of going on and on.
Sometimes authors get into these side characters or side stories or ideas and I get it you really want to um share this idea that you think is really cool,
but it doesn’t always fit the story.
Uh filmmakers and movie writers have to for the sake of time usually narrow that down and cut the fat and that leads to a more streamlined story,
which can be better.
sometimes too,
they take the meat and potatoes of what was written and make something completely different,
but with like um a more relatable theme because movies are more mainstream than books are.
I get it,
I get it.
I do,
I I guess I do believe that um,
that because the imagery is there and,
and sometimes you need the imagery.
because our imaginations can make things so rich,
whereas reality is bound by certain,
I mean taking this book for example,
although it was executed extremely well,
you have to actually build a dinosaur,
you know,
there are limits there.
but with this book,
haven’t seen the movie already,
it was hard for me to color outside them because they were there already.
And so sometimes when I,
it’s not that I can’t imagine it,
but I like with me put that on screen,
Jeff Goldblum’s character Malcolm when I was reading about him in the book,
he’s not suave he’s,
he does dress in black and he has this like rock star character about him,
but picture,
he’s balding,
which isn’t a big deal to me,
but he also doesn’t seem like somehow the lawyer is the buff one and the fifth one.
not necessarily the mathematician.
So I was like,
I’m good.
I’m just gonna imagine young jo I I looked at several lists on the internet kind of googling movies that are better than the book.
And there are quite a few lists out there.
But I’m gonna say that a lot of the list said five of the same movies.
Five of the same movies.
So some movies made all the lists.
I can get some of those.
let me have you start with one.
So I’m gonna tell you on everybody’s list is the devil wears Prada.
Have you read that book?
everybody’s list is nodding.
Well then their lists are wrong.
That book is garbage.
The movie.
See the book ain’t got Stanley to she is it?
It ain’t got a little disheveled ready to be made up and half the weight looking good servant looks.
It’s all materialistic.
It’s all labels from the first page.
It’s my Prada shoes slammed down.
It’s like,
what girl?
This ain’t cute,
you know,
But the movie is fantastic perfection.
I’m gonna run you the list and then we’ll talk about it.
And and there are no particular order is just like dan brown.
So no.
Forrest gump.
I never because never the notebook Jurassic park and the Godfather on five movies were on all the list that I um came across and that was just to name a few book.
Riot buzzfeed good reads screen.
And here’s some like honorable mentions as they were on most lists,
but not all the devil wears product.
Shawshank Redemption and the Princess Bride.
So that’s it.
So now you can go back into your,
your feelings about Jurassic park and the book go for it.
I mean that’s unfortunate to me.
I feel like they both um,
they both do what they should.
They both give what they were supposed to give.
It was given in the medium that they were using.
So for a movie,
we were just talking about how we just watched Jurassic Park,
I probably would have seen that movie 15 times.
This is the first time I read the book and I’m like,
the movie is so ingrained in my psyche and who I am as a person.
How am I going to detach?
this book was its own thing.
So from the beginning I felt like,
I don’t know what’s gonna happen.
I don’t know who lurking around that corner.
I don’t even know who’s gonna die.
I know I’ll probably be dis involved because that’s like the most Okay,
can we just say for steven Spielberg to make this book a PG 13 movie who goes because it is gory right Alexis so far.
so far.
No for me or half know you a little dark.
You dark.
I just thought it was really gory but okay.
Do do you know that’s your thing.
Did you ever read any of the other books that are,
you know just devil wears Prada and Jurassic park.
But I did have my own list.
well you go for it,
go for it.
Have you read a count of Monte cristo?
because I want to read like five bibles long.
I have started that book a million times,
but I know how it ends and I liked the movie better.
there is less bitterness in um,
the count quote unquote count.
he’s more,
he finds love in the end of the movie and although jim caviezel I think is like a weird anti vaccine.
Covid Denier right now.
I think um,
I still find that movie really enjoyable and it’s really underrated.
also bring some musicals in here.
I love that movie and no one talks about it.
I think kind of Monte cristo is like a perfect movie.
and then I’m going there to musicals,
film of the opera is a great book because um,
so Children are gross.
teenagers are perverts and there’s this perversion that especially teenage girls love where you take a monster figure and you make him fall in love with someone beautiful and innocent.
Can’t ask did we read that together?
Cause I remind him because he was stolen from me and I know who it is,
it’s not you this time because I’m like,
you always blame this something and I know she don’t be listening.
She listened to the show like every 10 episodes.
But girl,
if you’re listening,
I know it was you and I’m covered again by but but yeah,
we may have read it together.
I feel like we did for real like maybe 20 years ago.
I’m not that old.
But yeah,
50 years ago.
but but you’re right.
We did read that together and I just feel like Andrew Lloyd Webber knows this type of um twisted love affair combination that we’re all like drawn to,
we seem to be not everybody,
but just to generalize,
I mean it’s a common trope in y a novels,
the monster falling in love with the innocent girl.
We love that and we the power that she has just over him because of her love and her innocence.
He really bit down into that.
And even like the sequel to phantom of the offer of the musical Love Never Dies or whatever it is trash.
And I love it all so bad.
I don’t think I heard of that.
you did because when it came out,
so it was so bad,
it didn’t even make it stateside.
And we listened to the soundtrack.
If not you then it was me and your sister.
But that’s okay.
Have you ever read the color Purple Alice walker?
Oh well,
the book is brilliant and the movie is brilliant.
And to see all those um black artists in the prime of their careers,
maybe not the prime,
but um when they were kind of,
I don’t even want to say before they hit mainstream,
you have Oprah,
Whoopi Goldberg dot um I want to say donald glover,
that’s his name.
I get them confused with Childish Gambino,
but anyway,
it’s a shame but to have all of them just um pouring themselves into their characters that that movie has so many quotables.
Um but then the book to really,
you get into the heart of silly in a way um that the movie um you can’t because it’s not um inducing your imagine that you don’t have to rely on your imagination.
And then Crazy Rich asians,
they took three books basically.
It made it one movie.
That’s very PG and I felt like they did a good job.
It’s fun escapism.
Um and then a movie that came to mind as angels and demons.
Have you ever read dan brown?
we’re ready to get.
We did okay,
that movie is really bad in a really fundamental way where um tom Hanks,
I know he was like the hot guy for some generation,
but I don’t know anyone in that generation and to have him play that um,
Ologists or whatever.
Um Yeah,
it was a total Miscast.
And then to do it again is unforgivable because they did two or three of them.
Did they do three Inferno.
I feel like maybe they did.
Well Girl is bad.
So you can just read that we’re talking about.
movies that are better,
pour that off the list because that don’t fly.
Well those are,
those are great.
I have to like really sit down and think,
but I thought you didn’t like phantom of the opera.
I said the musical,
which I love the music.
I don’t know what’s his name?
You shouldn’t talk about it.
We got to talk about it.
What’s his name?
Y’all got him about to pay for that movie because I ain’t seen him since what he was going to be somebody,
I don’t remember.
I don’t remember.
Was he going to be somebody Gerard Butler?
he’s somebody.
You’ll never see him again.
I mean,
it’s a mess.
It’s really bad of all the things the phantom can do.
He can sing.
That’s like the point.
So the cast a non good singing phantom is backwards.
You totally missed fast into the movie.
That movie trash.
So no,
I didn’t like the movie,
but I love the musical and it too is trash and follows a very Andrew Lloyd Webber formula,
but he’s good at it.
I love Cats.
I love phantom of the opera,
but I love what he does.
But did you love the movie Cat?
I see.
And I won’t watch it.
And that’s also based on the book.
Remember you watched it?
You came back so confused.
Not me.
It’s the same as the musical.
It’s the same as W didn’t like the musical.
I love the musical.
and you like the movie Cats?
It’s the same thing.
It’s not that tough.
So sorry,
You pushing all my triggers?
The point of Cats?
The musical is the imagination like to lose yourself in these adults in feline costumes that are so graceful and ballet,
like with their movement.
That is all part of it.
So to throw that all away for C.
I means you don’t get it.
That is C.
you’re right.
You don’t understand.
No one wants this.
Stop it and they didn’t want it.
But we had a lovely disagreement address.
I know that’s why you saw it.
That is he don’t talk about it anymore.
If you notice Yes.
And you talk to him right last time we talked he and say nothing about it.
I see he’s a barrister as he should be.
why don’t you let us know what movies you think are better than the book?
We’d love to hear about it so we can talk about it later.
Let us know.
And like social media or email us.
Ask us at let society pa dot com.
And let’s take a quick break break before we jump into the author and context shake and break,
And we’re back.
can you give us some contacts,
the background on our author?
I can.
And usually last night this is the part of the show.
We go into some very well researched knowledge of the author,
but I might just pull from what I know from memory.
I really prepared too much for this part.
I do have his birthday october 23rd,
And unfortunately he passed from cancer november 4th 2000 and eight.
So john Michael Crichton,
you guys was a force.
Let me get the bad stuff out of the way.
So if you read his books,
you know,
he doesn’t think too highly of female humans or maybe black people.
He doesn’t necessarily think badly about them.
He just don’t think about them.
So he doesn’t write them,
He doesn’t write them well.
Does that make sense?
So there isn’t um I have not found from Congo and Jurassic park.
I didn’t finish Cargo.
Um I haven’t found any like overt racism.
the characters of color are very one dimensional and kind of uh only existing to move the white character stories along.
So that’s that but glaringly even more so.
And this does kind of feel like an attack is the way he writes women.
It is lacking also female Children is bad that said he’s a he was a genius writer.
He um had a knock for creating a cliffhanger and keeping a plot moving this snack led to him writing series like Westworld which I’ve never watched.
Have you watched it?
He also I think that’s based on one of his books then drama the strain.
Have you ever seen that?
That was a movie and a show.
People love it.
I do want to read that book.
What we are familiar with is er he wrote that show up and I loved E.
A lot of people loved it.
And he he also is very good at taking some scientific fact and put and adding a lot of um theory around it to the point where you’re like wait what?
I don’t make sense.
too late.
Something else is happening.
I don’t have time to think too much about how that don’t make sense.
He’s really good at that.
So like for example er wasn’t the depiction of a real emergency room but who cares?
Because it was lively.
Same with Jurassic park.
Um But just to let you know like a little bit about his uh persona,
he was like considered very good looking um for his day.
He was even ranked like um one of people magazine’s 50 most beautiful people in 1992.
Do you know what he looks like?
But okay.
You think you go ahead people do you think he’s cute?
I mean so I don’t think he’s ugly.
But So the 50 million union for people?
I don’t know you guys.
Michael Crichton is really attractive.
I think he’s gorgeous.
Uh Yeah,
he’s cute.
He was Anyway,
go ahead curry.
Just gorgeous.
I don’t know.
Is that weird?
You tell me if it’s weird,
Michael Crichton,
let it let it be whatever you want it to be.
All right.
Have fun with that.
All right.
Um seven ft tall.
And as a kind of he wasn’t necessarily introvert.
He was a very I want to say alpha,
but he was one of these guys who was very entitled.
Like he was born in Chicago,
raised in um new york,
Harvard man.
And he okay to give you an example.
He was getting bad grades in school.
So he slipped his teacher of a section of a writing by George Orwell and got a b minus his conclusion.
Writing isn’t for me and this teacher is against me.
two things about that.
Maybe George Orwell didn’t write his best either.
You know what I mean?
But his thinking wasn’t I should write better.
It’s writing isn’t for me.
And he actually went into medicine.
So he went to um I think he got his upper his um post grad degree.
Excuse me,
upper his post grab from um Harvard also.
So you have both from Harvard?
There we go.
He hated dr school.
What do you call dr school Med Medicine Medical School.
Well he didn’t like it.
Um Yeah you’re right.
He went to Harvard Medical School,
hated it,
stuck with it graduated and became a writer which was his goal all along.
He went to school for science and medicine to become a better writer.
Just gonna let that sink in.
And then lastly a few things um I don’t know how he felt about women.
He was married like five times.
And um M.
Believe in G.
Too much and that’s global warming.
Al gore one set of Michael Crichton.
Oh because Michael Crichton wrote this um I think a book called State of Fear where he tries to like debunk through his plot global warming.
The idea of global warming.
And al gore said the planet planet has a fever.
If your baby has a fever you go to the doctor if your doctor tells you you need to intervene here.
You don’t say,
well I read a science fiction novel that tells me it’s not a problem.
So that’s something also velociraptors as we know them today completely based on Jurassic Park.
Because actually the way he describes velociraptors,
they probably weren’t velociraptors,
they were probably another animal.
Um I forget the name of it but velociraptors are only like 4-6 ft tall.
They can be kind of short.
Mhm And they have feathers.
They grew up to 100 lb.
Um so the how we picture velociraptors what pops into your mind completely based on Jurassic Park.
And then finally I heard that he wrote the first draft of this book from the eyes of 10.
It was like us.
Um first person.
And tim is the kid the um boy,
his friends told him to go back to the drawing board and then he I wrote a different type of PLG and that’s that.
But you do have to have this like childlike wonderment to really enjoy this book.
And I imagine to write it.
well wow,
thank you for sharing.
We appreciate all that detail about the Michael Crichton.
So why don’t you um share a brief synopsis without spoilers before our deep dive.
What if dinosaurs walked the earth today?
Like all questions.
The subject is about power,
who would profit,
who would dominate and who would die in this page.
Turning cliffhanger packed novel,
unbelievable ideas are presented in packages so digestible and feasible that they seem possible.
And in the end,
the real monsters who we expected it to be all along man tags Alexis.
What were your first thoughts of Jurassic park?
I love the movie.
So I was excited to dive into the book.
The book,
was very technical to start.
So I’m needed some help getting started.
So I eventually got into it.
How did you get that help?
I listened to the audio,
audio helps and and the audio reads like a cautionary tale.
The reader is like reading the book as a cautionary tale.
So it’s very interesting.
who do you think would enjoy reading this book?
people who love a very,
action packed plot.
This story is always moving and you never know what’s going to happen from page to page and it’s a pretty thick book.
So that’s a feat.
If you like that you like Jurassic park perhaps.
well you ready to take that deep dive into Jurassic park parked one filled with spoilers?
We are going to review the first half of the book now.
Part one secrecy breeds corruption.
This was explained really well,
biotechnology is unique in its lack of government regulation.
There are no watchdogs and lines of demarcation between investors and scientists,
they don’t exist.
So some of the scientists,
involved in the research are also funding the programs or benefiting from investors,
the money of investors.
So it’s a field ripe for corruption,
but also limitless an opportunity because you don’t have those bureaucratic layers,
telling you what you can and can’t do.
So it’s good and really,
really bad.
and this feels really believable the way he explained this.
I was like,
you know what?
And then by the middle of the book,
I’m like,
this happened.
They did make dinosaurs on the island.
This is real.
So There was a time when scientists looked down on the money involved with tech development and this made them like a neutral pool from which to pull insight and advice because they had no dog in the fight.
But now developments are made in secret and for profit and so everyone’s corrupt.
It was in this environment that an incident witnessed by fewer than 20 people went unnoticed by the general public.
Even after the hearing that followed the court hearing,
it was a closed door issue.
What happened off the coast of Costa Rica where most of those 20 witnesses died is still widely unknown.
And by this part of the story,
I’m like,
this happened.
I’m all in.
now this book diverges a lot from the movie or I should say the movie diverges from the book in a lot of great ways.
For example,
the opening scene,
there’s like this american doctor on the island of Costa rica and she’s reflecting on her career.
She’s like,
I kind of do what I wanted to do,
but I didn’t really all of a sudden and it’s nighttime and it’s raining and a helicopter lands near her tent.
some men bring out a boy and the boy is covered in scars.
Now she worked in Chicago and I didn’t know what that was supposed to mean.
But apparently she knows what maulings look like.
Do we make getting mauled a lot in Chicago.
I was like maybe bullet ones if you want to be stereotypical,
Maybe she worked downtown.
It’s you know the economy hospital or something but whatever.
Yeah she knows about maulings.
So she sees the boy’s body and she’s like what happened?
And everybody’s like uh he fell he fell in the kitchen.
It was just terrible and he’s going after trap door.
She like I say what now?
And um she asked when the guys had brought him like what does he say?
Uh and the guy’s like um I don’t want to say what he’s saying because that’s gonna put some bad you do on me.
She’s like pish posh.
That’s silly.
What is he saying?
And so they look up the meaning of the word rapture which I thought was kind of silly because that is also an english word.
Um But he she looked it up in like a spanish dictionary and it meant like evil.
Like an evilness that can come and take your kids something like that.
It’s not so much evilness but just that a person that um not it wasn’t.
Oh yeah well no captures you like a kidnapper.
You’re absolutely right.
It was like a kidnapper.
And then she just kept thinking about that all night because the boy dies and she’s like what was he saying?
And he had these marks all over his body and he’s bleeding everywhere.
And so she looks it up in in english dictionary and she sees a bird of prey.
So she’s still confused.
So there was this family.
And so this is interesting to um Jurassic park like 1234 15.
They all borrow from the same Jurassic park story.
So you’ll see parts of the book and you’re like,
but that was in the second movie,
That was in the third movie.
they all borrow a little bit um,
from the book where they wanted.
So for example,
there’s a rich family dining on a private island when their daughter is attacked by a strange looking three toed lizard that walked like a bird and was a foot tall.
You’ll remember this from the second Jurassic park lesions across her body are foaming where the animal had left its saliva.
And the doctors recall a similar incident that happened locally in Costa rica now the girl lives.
but the doctor is like,
this is just like um when that baby was attacked or a few babies and Children were attacked locally,
we think it’s the same lizard,
but we know what lizard it is.
It’s a real common lizard.
They don’t usually attack this aggressively,
but maybe they got spooked.
So they’re blaming the child there.
Like you must have scared the thing and she’s a really intelligent,
thoughtful child and she even made sure to be completely still.
So as to not scare the animal off.
the lizard that the doctor is thinking of has five toes.
So he’s like the girl says the lizard has three toes.
The lizard,
it truly is has five toes.
She don’t know nothing.
She’s a kid.
And this little girl is the smartest female human in the whole book.
I just got to tell you that,
incited Ellie.
so the little girl when she’s feeling better is met by the doctor and she goes,
you have on a different shirt,
He’s like very good.
I didn’t know you’d noticed that sometimes I change when I spend the night at the hospital and she goes,
but you don’t change your tie.
So he’s thinking like this little girl ain’t dumb.
And so he goes,
How many toes did the dinosaur have that bit?
She goes three Again,
she is Adamant three.
And so the doctor’s like,
maybe it is a different animal side story.
There is a moment where a woman has a baby and the person caring for her goes to look after that baby and there are little lizards all around the crib.
One of the little lizards,
ducks its head and pulls out a piece of flesh.
And the woman is freaked out,
scares the lizards away,
but she already knows the baby is dead just by the sight of him in her peripheral.
That’s insane.
This is written extremely well And all these really sad stories just fill you with this um,
you were like,
this is written so well I am here.
How did I get in the room with this woman and this baby and all these lizards.
Michael craig genius.
Also very attractive.
so anyway,
going with that now.
So the doctor who was talking to the little girl is like,
I’m gonna go to the island coast and find the lizard that’s been biting the babies.
Why not?
So he grabs himself a dart gun and he sees nothing.
He waits around and then a monkey um like comes up on the shore with a little large lizard in its mouth.
A lizard the doctor has never seen before.
The doctor shoots the monkey with the tranquil tranquilizer gun.
It’s like nothing.
He just runs off.
But he drops the lizard and it has Um like a brown stripe on its back and three toes.
An X ray of the lizard,
pause for dramatic effect.
Did you feel it?
And three toe?
Sometimes when I get excited,
I breathe too hard.
I gotta take a second say an X ray of the lizard finds its way to the fax machine.
A paleontologist.
Dr Grant.
I’m so excited talking about this book.
It’s a problem.
What type of lizard was this?
The experts are stumped until attack blurts out.
So attack walks into the room where everyone’s like,
what kind of loser is this?
And she’s like,
who’d you?
A dinosaur?
And I was like,
And the woman is like,
that’s a dinosaur.
My kids are really into dinosaurs.
I know what they look like and she’s dismissed like,
oh you’re ignorant.
Shut up dinosaurs don’t exist.
And that was a dumb comment.
Gross women.
So the little girl actually drew the dinosaur because it was part of her school project and she was drawing it,
you know,
for the school project and she also drew it for them so that they knew what it looked like and that’s why they would say no,
you’re imagining it wrong.
You drew it wrong,
You were just being extra.
Thank you.
I love this.
I forgot about those details.
So then the tech walks in is like who do the dinosaur and everyone thinks she’s stupid.
Well no one knows what it is.
So they send an X ray,
as we said to Dr Grant and actually it’s the tech who thought it was a dinosaur who sent the X ray.
while examining this unbelievable X ray Grant receives a call from Hammond.
His wealthy eccentric benefactor.
Hammond is warning Grant that,
you know,
some investigators quote unquote may start sniffing around you.
It’s all about this new state of the art resort.
Hammond is building in Costa rica.
A few of the investors are just paranoid,
he says what he doesn’t say is that their paranoia is due to a few staff members mysterious deaths.
In fact,
someone had just visited Grant asking many questions and Grant is very charismatic in this book.
He’s a very um just honest,
like down to earth kind of guy.
So he answers the questions.
He’s like,
this has nothing to do with me.
I know him as eccentric,
but he’s given me the money and I need the money to dig for the dinosaurs and that’s our relationship.
So Grant is like,
someone just came and I told him all about you.
You know,
I don’t really know nothing.
So it was cool.
Him is like,
Also come to my island.
So Grant is like,
whatever is going on with you and this island and this amusement park has nothing to do with me and I have a job that ain’t none of my business is that ain’t none of my business.
And he was like,
shut up.
I’m gonna pay you for one weekend.
I donate to your cause each year.
I mean,
he’s like,
I mean,
you know,
I bring that um student,
that grad student that study plants to,
I’m paying her to whenever I pay you,
I’ll pay her to getting all the money.
come on.
Also another diversion from the movie,
They’re not dating.
They’re not dating.
I love this.
It’s a teacher student relationship.
I love it too.
Although it worked for the movie.
You don’t need it here.
And they love that.
He loves Children.
I’m getting to that because it touched my heart.
let’s stop.
uh huh.
a competitive company is trying to catch up to engine Engine is Hammond’s company that’s building this amusement park.
No one knows what’s on this,
on this island or in the park.
You guys,
you don’t know what Jurassic park is.
All you know is that a boy was cut up?
He said rafters and that baby was eaten and then the little girl had bites all over her.
You don’t know why?
And they’re all lizards,
which that’s what you know.
Is there lizards?
Thank you.
So the competitor of engine is like whatever they’re doing on that island in Costa rica,
we want some of it.
In fact.
this competitor is having a very important meeting with dubious investors trying to convince the table that engine has discovered a way to clone dinosaurs.
And then I like,
I think so.
The competitors like listen,
just nod your head if we should steal their technology and I’m like,
do it because this is being recorded.
So they don’t want to say that that loud.
So they all nodded their head like we don’t think this is true.
But yes,
also still,
they’ll make an untold amount of money in tickets,
merchandise and possibly pigment pygmy versions of the dinosaurs that guests have to feed with food also produced by the company that produced the dinosaurs.
So the competitor is like,
I want some of that.
it’s incredible and worth the risk.
They’ve incentivized an employee of Hammond of engine to steal dinosaur samples for them.
this was another character where I was like,
this is just Newman.
It’s a,
you can describe them anyway.
You want,
but Newman.
From where?
Dennis now Audrey Newman.
so anyway,
obviously this is all going to go well for everyone’s plan tight.
It’s gonna be great.
The plan is for the employee to supply his source,
which is the competitive companies representative with samples on the side of the island where supply vote stock opposite to the side where passengers will dock in the future.
That side,
the side for supplies is poorly built and difficult to use.
No one will suspect anything.
Part two.
Welcome to Jurassic park.
Now I’m going to take a second to describe the characters to you because they’re not the characters from the movie,
the lawyer,
they come out right?
So in the movie,
the lawyers like this,
shrivel e money obsessed coward in the book.
How would you describe john Otto Like he’s,
they described him as a nice looking young man of about 35.
So yeah,
he’s built.
He’s got some courage in them.
You know,
in fact,
he’s ready to burn the whole island to the ground if you look wrong,
you go sideways.
He likes looking for it and not once in the few chapters that we’ve read so far.
Did he come off as greedy.
He is like literally like,
but that’s a possibility,
That also is okay.
I got too many strikes against you.
He’s a lawyer representing investors.
And then as he also got,
support from the investors that say,
shut it down if it needs to be shut it down because in fact,
shut it down.
That’s where he went in there with the mentality.
I don’t remember the investors.
So I’m glad you have that detail.
Remember his partner actually it is.
His partner is not the investor.
His partners like it’d be great if this didn’t work out because it’s giving me the heebie jeebies.
I don’t know what’s going on,
be prepared to burn it all to the ground.
So that’s Ganado the lawyer.
Then you have the mathematician and I don’t care what Michael Crichton say,
its a young Jeff Goldblum.
His name is Malcolm,
that’s it.
He has monologue after monologue in this book.
He is,
everything you remember about his obsession with the chaos theory,
that is who he is in the book,
but he’s also the moral compass of the book and he’s the only one who calls out him into his face repeatedly.
Not because everyone is scared to no one’s scared of Hammond,
but they don’t,
he is um,
he’s almost a secondary character.
He created all of this,
but people are have bigger fish to fry Hammond is a secondary character.
I felt that way.
I felt like um all of Malcolm’s energy in this book as a moral compass is for Hammond’s benefit and he’s the only character that serves that purpose because everyone else is off doing something else.
And then you have the paleontologist dr Grant,
he digs up dinosaur bones for a living and then you have the paleo botanists,
Ellie Sattler again,
they’re not dating.
She is a student I think a grad student but she is a paleo botanists.
So I don’t think she’s a doctor yet but semantics she’s a she should be a smart woman but she does some very un smart things but we’ll move on so get my everybody along in the book that I am.
I’m like what is she a long time ago,
I couldn’t put it down.
So yes,
she’s still smart in my book.
Okay you’re right.
I’m mad at her for something you don’t know about.
Okay great.
Okay fine.
So you guys,
the lawyer knows if he sees anything alarming.
Like Alexis said he must figuratively burn the islands of the ground or literally whatever without thinking about it.
Just do it,
burn it down.
The mathematician knows that nothing living can be contained.
Zoos fail all the time.
And Hammond likes to say we’re just building a zoo,
it’s just a zoo the animals are just bigger and Malcolm is like you idiot.
Zoos fail all the time.
Animals get out,
accidents happen,
people get bitten but those animals are not on the scale that you that you’re trying to accomplish because right now no one really knows what Hammond’s doing,
they just know what he’s trying to do.
Um So Malcolm is like whatever you’re doing it’s doomed to fail because you’re trying to control life and life cannot be contained in life always finds a way everyone’s favorite cause it’s really good.
And then we have grant which you know very well by now he knows that his Hammond’s beneficiary,
he’ll do all he can to support the man’s cause because that man gives him a living,
I don’t know if he had I don’t feel like he has that mentality statement from the book,
he know really as his beneficiary he’ll do all he can within reason he’s not going to be dishonest but if it’s a way for him to be on him inside he’s gonna take it mm Okay you said it’s a statement because that’s the relationship between benefactors and beneficiaries and that’s the way it’s always been that.
So what I’m thinking about is um Hammond was paying him to provide information,
he was like I ain’t doing this,
this is too much,
taking too much of my time,
I’ll Grant is all about his job and his business,
Hammond pays him so when Hammond asked for some consultation,
he don’t know what Grant doesn’t know what it’s for and he’s not really invested in the advice.
He’s like,
I just want to get to work,
can you pay me please?
So I want the money,
the money.
And then we have Ellie um at first look at the island,
she already knows that they have no clue what they’re doing because she’s like all these plants that you got for decoration or poisonous.
So why are they here?
Obviously this lack of detail or lack of interest in the details is gonna imply something bigger about how you built this island.
So you’re right at this point of the book,
her mind’s working,
her gears are going and she’s got some things to say you like.
So when they land on this island off the coast of Costa rica,
they are immediately met by trees.
These very large imposing trees that walk,
that’s eight and that call to each other and there aren’t just one or two trees.
There are dozens and dozens of them because these aren’t trees,
they are dinosaurs.
Who if it’s safe,
we’re going to make a fortune.
The lawyer reasons this can’t be real reasons.
L Ian Malcolm,
How are they doing?
It wonders Grant.
They arrive at their five star 5 star resort style accommodations basically.
It’s like the Langham Jurassic Park.
Um it’s great,
But their mind is focused on the task at hand,
they just saw dinosaurs.
So Hammond is busy trying to wine and dine them and they’re like,
tell us how the sausage is made.
How did this happen?
What are you doing here?
Is this even real?
Can we trust what we’re seeing?
And then when they go to put their stuff in their room before they’re given a tour of the facilities,
um Grant is like laying down on the bed and he’s looking up through the sky um what do you call them?
Sky ceiling.
Come on.
Sky silly sky window sunroof.
It’s not a sun roof,
but it’s um why are we being this way?
I don’t know what’s the hole in the ceiling calls where sun pours in from it?
I’m getting angry with myself A son in the ceiling.
a skylight window.
you’re right there vaulted.
So they’re in this vaulted um ceilings,
ceilings with skylights,
vaulted ceilings with skylights,
molly does thank you.
Little bit bit.
He’s playing on his bare looking through the skylight and he notices that there are bars over the glass part and it looks like something that was done after the building was Built.
So he’s like that is interesting.
the surroundings of their accommodations have additions that give the entire place the appearance of a fortress.
So like smaller windows or bars and fences and they’re like but why why is that necessary?
What is going on?
Also they are not alone.
Hammond is outside arguing with the lawyer but it’s too late because the grandkids have already landed when the lawyer is like you insane narcissist,
you brought Children here full disclosure.
This isn’t a lovely leisure weekend.
You are being investigated.
We may shut this place down,
it could be extremely unsafe.
And Hammond is like pish posh.
It’s a zoo.
Kids love zoos,
that’s why they’re here.
Also spoiler alert.
He loved his grandkids as much as they do in the movie.
They’re like cool,
but he’s using them as a test pool to gauge how kids will love the park.
And Hammond really bites down into his villainy to me,
I always saw him as the villain in the movies,
but this book was like,
he’s a villain and I was like,
thank you.
I thought so.
So anyway,
back to the grandkids and I am,
let me shut outside.
so the kids are named lex and tim,
tim is like 11 Lexus like eight.
the way she’s written,
she has severe emotional issues.
Like um she is a young female child written like someone who can’t think in a linear way,
if that makes sense that she was older.
Maybe in the movie,
she’s older.
I’m getting that confused.
Well in the movie,
the girl is the older one and tim is the younger one.
The girl is a quote unquote hacker back when that meant something and the boy is like really into dinosaurs.
That’s not the characters in the book In the book.
The boys older,
he is 11.
He is very smart,
very into dinosaurs reads grants books.
The girl is just a kid that is really bad and self centered and she likes baseball.
So she’s like,
she’s written so annoyingly and un realistically.
Um So anyway,
we’ll get on that later I guess.
But she’s got on this like Baseball cap her dad gave her and she’s always throwing around this baseball.
Their parents are going through a divorce.
Um and it’s obvious she misses her dad even more than 10 because tim and his dad really never connected anyway as a distraction and to test how they enjoy the park.
Their grandfather has brought them to Jurassic park.
Um So let’s meet him to start.
He recognizes Grant as we said.
Um And also I want to recount this museum experience.
He’s he had where he’s thinking back on his mind when he went to the museum with his family.
Now he read um he reads paleontologist Grant dr Grant books.
He’s really into dinosaurs.
So when his dad walks up to a fossil is like,
That’s a Big one.
He’s like dad,
that’s not even one of the bigger ones.
And his dad is like,
And then he’s like um staring at a T rex TIM is and his dad is like what are you doing?
He’s like,
I’m counting the vertebrae and the T rex,
you know the bones and it’s back and he’s like his dad like I know what vertebrae I and tim’s like well there are too many of them.
And he’s like son you think you know more than the museum people.
And tim is like that’s not my goal.
I just know that there are too many vertebrae.
And so um tim’s dad is like we’re going to put us off to this and he walks over to the security guard and he walks back um with a blank face.
He’s like yeah the security guard said there are too many vertebrae.
Um and they’ve been trying to fix it or thinking about fixing it for years.
You really knew that tim you really knew that.
All right,
let’s go home and watch tv.
It seems like when we came here to see dinosaurs.
This is and I’ve only seen one.
Shut up to him,
get in the car and then his dad is like who’s interested in dinosaurs?
Like little little kids like you’re too old for this.
So his dad is a bit of a brute.
And yeah so as Alexis pointed out,
Grant really loves kids and he right away becomes like a protector of tim walking side by side with the boy.
So tim is like he idolizes grand and Grant immediately shows this wholesome interest in him is really cute.
It’s hard to not like any group of people so enthusiastic about dinosaurs Grant reasons Children like dinosaurs because they’re fascinating and frightening.
Like their parents.
He also reads and he’s like yeah watching their skeletons and saying they’re long names is like a way to dominate that power.
And I get that.
So I like kids whatever.
So on a tour of the facility now in Jurassic park they’re shown the nursery where a baby velociraptor is playing on the floor with an aid.
The juvenile is harmless at this age and readily jumps into tim’s arms dr.
Grant takes the animal and begins like holding it over his head,
examining it.
Um squeezing the tail and the raptors shrieks.
I picture like a cat hissing.
She doesn’t like that.
She likes to be held close to your body and nurtured.
Um And so will this come back to bite the doctor we wonder anyway.
And also during this time jumping during this tour,
we learned that the scientists have no idea how many species they’ve created.
Also they have to actually grow the animal in plastic eggs because knowing what it is um Sometimes the animal lives for months um before they know what it is or sometimes like it grows into something.
They’re like huh?
What’s this?
So just to clarify that they’re growing animals in these plastic eggs and they don’t even know what’s gonna come out the egg.
It’s always a surprise.
Um Sometimes they even let the animal like live for a few months before they notice something is wrong and that sounds like very Frankenstein ish.
They’re like something’s wrong with the biology of the animal,
Let’s go back to the drawing board like versions and they’re doing this.
they have versions like you have with an iphone or a Tesla and they just go back to the drawing board.
Like they’re making electronics,
but they’re doing it with living animals.
What about those small lizards popping up all over the island?
the scientists um grew them to eat the poop of the larger herbivores since the insects that originally would have done that no longer exists.
And anyway,
they have no idea what that insect would even be.
I thought that was so detailed written very well.
there are certain that the animal that bit the little girl and ate the baby’s faces or whatever.
That ain’t ours because all of our animals are accounted for.
Uh the animal account is controlled electronically if even one was missing,
they know immediately.
They say the island where the attack occurred is also a day’s journey away.
It’s really far.
So it’s not our animal miles dang,
are you good Sell 100 miles away.
The animals in Jurassic Park will not live outside of the island more than 12 hours.
they’re dependent on life scene and it must be administered to them by staff regularly.
So the animals are essentially our prisoners on this island,
they’re not getting out there,
not eating babies,
that’s not us.
It does not have.
So it’s not happening.
You can believe what you what I say or what you’ve seen.
So all the animals have undergone radiation treatment also to make them sterile and they’re all female.
So they’re not breeding,
they’re not getting off the island.
Everyone calm down.
All the animals have been acclimated to their new environments.
All except the velociraptors.
So they have this these large paddocks unprotected by um electronic fences.
But they can’t get the velociraptors to like stay in their paddocks in their area because they want to like eat and fight all the time.
So they have them in a pen.
Eat what do you huh?
People they want to eat.
Oh yeah.
They also want to eat people.
So what do you know about velociraptors,
Grant ass.
It seems like,
well there’s small carnivores that hunted in packs and Grant then goes on to edify his people even further.
They also hunted in packs to take down large prey.
Also rafters are large brained,
more intelligent than most dinosaurs.
Probably some people to someone’s like,
hey you want to see the velociraptor pen?
And they’re like,
sure There are eight adult females in the pen and they’re like great.
So to meet them.
Their group,
the mathematician,
the paleontologist paleo,
botanists and the kids make their way down a corridor,
they hear bleeding,
there’s a room full of goats bleating and then they keep walking to a set offenses and then they wait Beyond the fences.
Grant saw dense clusters of large firms,
5ft high.
He heard a snorting sound,
a kind of snuffling.
Then the sound of crunching footsteps coming closer,
then a long silence.
I don’t say anything,
Whispered Finally.
Grant waited several seconds pass.
Bligh’s buzz in the air.
He still saw nothing.
Ellie tapped him on the shoulder and pointed amid the ferns,
Grant saw the head of an animal.
It was motionless,
partially hidden in the Franz,
the two large dark eyes watching them coldly.
The head was two ft long from a pointed snout,
a long row of teeth ran back to the whole of the auditory meters,
which served as an ear.
The head reminded him of a large lizard,
or perhaps a crocodile.
The eyes did not blink,
and the animal did not move.
Its skin was leathery with a pebbled texture,
and basically the same coloration as the infants.
Yellow brown with darker reddish markings like the stripes of a tiger.
As Grant watched a single four limb reached up very slowly to part the ferns beside the animal’s face.
The limb,
grand saw was strongly muscled.
The hand had three grasping fingers,
each ending in curved claws.
The hand gently slowly pushed aside the ferns.
Grant felt a chill and thought he’s hunting us for a mammal like man.
There was something indescribably alien about the way reptiles hunted their prey.
No wonder men hated reptiles,
the stillness,
the coldness.
The pace was all wrong to be among alligators,
or other large reptiles was to be reminded of a different kind of life?
A different kind of world Now vanished from the Earth.
Of course this animal didn’t realize that he had been spotted,
that he the attack came suddenly from the left and right,
charging raptor covered the 10 yards to the fence with shocking speed.
Grant had a blurred impression of powerful six ft tall bodies,
stiff balancing tails,
limbs with curving claws,
open jaws with rows of jagged teeth.
The animal snarled as they came forward and then leapt bodily into the air,
raising their hind legs with their big dagger claws.
Then they struck the fence in front of them,
throwing off twin bursts of hot sparks.
The velociraptors fell backward to the ground,
The visitors all moved forward,
Only then did the third animal attack,
leaping up to strike defense at chest level,
Tim screamed in fright as the sparks exploded all around him.
The creature snarled,
a low reptilian hissing down and lift back among the firms.
Then they were gone,
leaving behind a faint odor of decay and hanging acrid smoke pack hunters,
Grant said,
shaking his head.
Pack hunters from whom ambush is an instinct fascinating Malcolm brings up a good point at this part of the story about the readiness to attack man,
he says,
you know,
lions and tigers are not born man eaters.
They have to learn first that men are easy to kill and the other scientists are like yeah that’s right.
So where did the raptors learn to kill man?
What’s the answer?
What is the answer?
I’m like what is the answer?
Mm You know the answer wrapped up version 4.4.
So um Alexis brought out how they just like releasing dino dinosaurs like iphones.
Well whoa dr wu has been under Hammond’s employ since school.
He’s 33 now.
He spent his whole adult life as ham and scientists um doing these bio tests or whatever.
Yeah and genetic engineering and all that and he’s done it now and there are dinosaurs and he’s like everyone slow down.
So he tells Hammond he meets with him and privately in his very luxurious uh accommodations on the island.
And he’s like,
hey Hammond two things number one.
These dinosaurs are so fast.
Do you know?
We don’t have anything to kill the T.
We we have nothing we have.
We’ve ordered all these weapons and they’re not big enough and they’re not fast enough.
And heaven’s like the T rex is in a paddock protected by electricity,
calm down.
And he was like listen but are you listening though?
Because they’re fast.
Also in fact,
I’m afraid that when people visit they think that the dinosaurs look sped up because they’re just so fast.
People aren’t used to things of this scale running this fast.
I think the t rex can go up to like 65 70 miles an hour.
I can’t do that can you do that Alexis you probably can.
Well the T rex can and that’s a problem I am is like please please calm down and was like okay okay well listen because no one knows what to expect from dinosaurs.
No one’s seen dinosaurs so we could just kill all of these dinosaurs and remake them slower and more docile.
We have a year before we plan to open.
Why don’t we just try to do the best and safest thing we can by genetically manufacturing animals that aren’t real but meet expectation.
And this is a great debate in the subtext.
I love it.
I love it because your mind we have a vision of what dinosaurs are like.
And so we’re just trying to meet that vision.
So why do all the extra why?
Especially if it puts people in harm’s way just give them what they expect.
They’ll be happy to see whatever you give them.
If it’s drooling and rocking back and forth they’ll be like oh it’s a dinosaur.
So why are we making them real?
And hammonds?
He’s done he’s like we want reality.
I have reality.
You’ve made reality.
You’re getting cold feet were so close to the finish line and we’ve done it we want real.
And um well here makes a great statement.
He’s like these dinosaurs are not real and not real sure we’ve genetically engineered them.
They exist.
They’re living and breathing animals but they’re not real,
you can’t recreate the past,
The past is gone.
So who is like the brains and Hammond is all vision all you know,
just do it,
get it done,
who cares,
do it because his legacy is involved and this is what he wants to be tied to his name as he gets up in age.
So to me it’s him,
he’s got this vision.
And then I know you remember when he talks about the ant farm in the movie flea flea circus flea circus when it’s the same to me as you can see all of that because he’s pushing it so hard,
he can’t listen to reason,
he’s so focused on achieving this dream.
He has,
he will not,
I mean,
he’s getting insight,
solid reasoning from people and he will not back down because he’s so stuck on what he has imagined this park should be.
And you make a great point again,
just tangentially,
we’re going to touch on this briefly.
I felt the book really outlined his villainy really well because what was a flea circus in the movie is a pygmy elephant in the book.
He takes this very small elephant,
he’s manufactured and put in a cage.
We just talked about how putting elephants in the cage is gross.
So he’s manufactured a small elephant,
no log larger than a dog,
put it in a cage and takes it to these investors and once he takes the cloth off and reveals this pygmy elephant,
they’re just pouring money into his lap like you can do this.
What else can you do?
He’s not telling them is that this elephant has some um developmental issues,
it acts like a rodent.
It’s really angry and mean and then it dies.
It wasn’t great.
You did it.
But should you have,
So let’s briefly discuss how none of the staff members are happy because you gotta keep your staff happy to have a good,
just like organization.
No one likes to hear everyone’s disgruntled in some way.
The Safari guide muldoon shoot ha!
So if this book,
he is a African Safari guy.
Belgium maybe I think.
But anyway,
he is muldoon that’s him.
And he’s like,
mm I am here because I was sick of doing what I was doing in Africa.
But also I don’t like it here.
Then we have Arnold the tech guy that Samuel Jackson in the movie,
His expertise is like designing these amusement parks and he’s also like,
mm I don’t think everyone is as cautious or has an attention to detail that they should and that makes me nervous.
And also I hate it here,
then we have no Audrey nedra is like undercover for the competition and he’s really smart about stealing,
his expertise is security systems.
This one man was allowed to build his own private team to make a security system for this entire island,
I don’t think that would ever happen.
But in the book it did.
And you never want to trust one person to do anything ever.
I repeat.
Never trust one person to do one thing ever.
It’ll never work out for you.
So naturally built a back door in the security system where he can just turn off all the security like a light.
You just flick,
flick some security on security off their dinosaurs.
It’s a problem.
Then we have the PR agent,
Ed Regis and I really identify with Ed um with everything that happens.
He’s always thinking of copy like what,
what can we call this when dinosaurs ruled the earth.
this is great.
but he’s upset because he’s basically been put in charge of the grandkids.
And he also had to fly that boy out that was attacked by raptors to the doctor.
And he’s like,
none of this is marketing.
My job is marketing.
I don’t assist cripples and I don’t take care of Children.
This is I’m a PR agent and I’m one of the best in the world.
So give me some respect.
Not cripples.
The boy,
the boy mali’s molly’s.
That’s not my job.
I write copy.
I get my nails manicured.
Why am I here?
So anyway,
that’s Ed regis also there’s a boat filled with supplies docked on the island.
But a storm is coming.
A storm is on the horizon and they need permission to leave.
So this boat is docked on the island?
And that really poorly built dock that no one wanted to put money in because it wasn’t part of the show of the island and they’re like,
we can’t stay here because our boat will be destroyed and then you really won’t have your supplies.
So either we go now and try to come back later or what and Hammond’s like fine.
He’s very petulant all through the book too.
While everyone else around him is like cautious and full of dread.
He’s just like stomping his feet sometimes literally.
He’s like fine.
And I know adult men like this and it’s it is like this really poorly written.
Just terrible.
Now it’s time for the jeep tour actually it’s custom Toyota land cruisers.
And this is a great addition in the book or a great note in the book because there are jeeps,
their gas power and that’s what the vet uses to drive out to the dinosaurs to a system so that you don’t get confused as the reader.
They say Toyota land cruiser a lot.
So the land cruiser.
The land cruiser hopping the land cruiser.
So they’re taking a tour on these electronic land cruisers.
Toyota land cruisers.
They see a T rex feed.
So they’re going to these dinosaurs.
And in the movie remember they bring up that goat and they’re like,
where’s the t rex?
Well in the book,
the t rex comes out and eats the goat.
Is this the heart?
Is this the gory part?
No again I think you’re ahead of me but I think you’re ahead of me.
I am ahead of you because I finished but I’m not there yet.
But that’s what I’m saying.
If you don’t think this is gory,
I don’t know what else you think it’s gory?
How about the dis involvement?
Everybody that’s rushing ahead.
That’s ahead.
Mm It’s not.
you are ahead of me.
Oh you got some scary stuff coming up for you anyway so they see the T rex feed and they’re driving on to the next whatever and the storm is coming.
You guys.
So while they’re driving,
tim goes look there in the field and everyone’s like what?
I don’t see anything And he’s like I think it was a a wrapped er Now remember you guys?
The rafters aren’t allowed in the open,
they’re only in their little cage because they’re so violent and aggressive and intelligent.
So everyone’s like tim you’re dumb because you’re a kid,
please be quiet.
He’s like yeah,
but I think I saw something so said a saurus um there’s this part in the movie right where there’s this sick dinosaur and then everyone gets out of their jeeps in the movie.
Land cruisers in the book?
And um Ellie is like figuring out why the stegosaurus is sick in the book?
She does use the power of her brain to figure out why and it has something to do with them planning plants that are toxic.
So she’s like I’m going to stay with the vet.
And then um the lawyers like me too because you’ve got some beautiful legs.
So there’s a conversation about how gorgeous she is.
Um And its fine like it’s fine right now Let’s say that.
Well let me move on.
Part three.
All the dino’s humping around so all the dino’s humping around.
That’s what I was thinking when I wrote that,
All right so these notes are y you know I want to be careful now I’m an energetic here because I think you might go too far.
Please go ahead.
I promise I won’t.
No I promise.
Where I told you we end then I’ll publicize it too.
I’m not going to pass that because the notes don’t even overlap is fine.
So dinosaur egg fragments are discovered and someone like no that’s a bird’s egg because these are all girl dinosaurs.
And dr Grant is like unless you have ostriches on this island it’s a dinosaur egg.
Mm hmm.
Can you tell the species Malcolm asked Yes it’s a rapture.
Control room is like it’s all what?
So they’re still in the land cruisers and they can like um phone into the control room and control room is like no it’s not.
Everyone is looking for these gaps in our you know method and they’re not there.
So just stop looking.
Especially Hammond,
he’s again petrol and like stomping his feet like there aren’t dinosaur eggs.
That’s silly.
They’re all girls.
So he calls the idea of a dino egg absolutely absurd.
That’s hammam.
And then Malcolm asked run a report from the control room of the dinosaur population and they’re like gladly we can do that easy because we got all the technology.
So let me just shut you up right quick and I’m going to do that.
Hammond smugly relates the number to Malcolm and the other guests listening like,
total 238.
Just like I like I hope you’re satisfied everything accounted for as always.
And the Malcolm responds Now have the computer search for 239 animals.
The computer respond.
239 animals.
What is this ham In response,
we must have picked up another copy.
And those are those like really little dinosaurs that tried to eat the girl and was eating babies.
They’re called copies.
Um And the Malcolm responds Now search for let’s say 300 animals.
what is he talking about?
The computer then begins counting all the animals in the park.
So just pausing here for a moment.
They are manufacturing these female dinosaurs.
So they should know exactly how many dinosaurs are in the park.
If the animals are breeding,
they wouldn’t know anything and it would call into question the entire organization that they’ve built.
They trust that organization.
So they don’t want to believe what the computer shows them now.
They’re supposed to be 239 animals.
The computer is still counting.
Still counting limits us 240 2 50 to 60 to 70 2 83.
292 animals.
mm Over 50 animals.
Extra animal extra.
Hammond is livid nedra explains out of convenience.
The computer expects the user to enter the expected number of animals to search for.
But it’s for convenience.
It wasn’t meant to always be what you do.
we don’t expect there to be more animals than we’ve made.
Malcolm explains.
You search for what you expect.
You were worried about losing animals.
You never expected you might be gaining animals.
But the nature of this park is beyond anyone’s expectations and the unexpected will always happen inevitably.
But how woo is shock.
He’s like in um,
denial shook if I repeat.
She baba daba,
And Grant thinks he has the answer,
the DNA recovered from dino blood is full of holes.
It’s either really old in fossils and hardly recoverable or they’re just like in the movie taking these mosquitoes in amber and you know,
taking out this blood of whatever animal and then they use a computer program to find the holes and they fill that in with the holes in the DNA.
They fill that in with reptile DNA bird,
DNA and amphibian DNA.
a study of amphibians showed some spontaneous,
spontaneously switch sexes when residing in a same sex environment.
Grant also guesses that the island had a rat problem when they began.
Is that true?
Everyone’s like,
we did.
He was like and the rat problem went away and no one took the time to find out why mm For more information,
they need to go to the dino nests and I never understand why just get off the island.
But they’re like,
we got to know what’s really going on here.
How many animals there truly are?
We need a real account.
it’s a storm coming.
It starts to rain.
Like like we said,
the lawyer and Ellie stay behind while everyone else continues to headquarters in their land cruisers driving back in the fading light,
Malcolm seemed admin Sidhu Grant said,
you must feel vindicated about your theory.
As a matter of fact,
I’m feeling a bit of tread.
I suspect we are at a very dangerous point.
Why intuition do mathematicians believe in intuition.
Very important.
Intuition actually,
I was thinking of fractals.
Malcolm said,
you know about fractals.
Grand shook his head.
Not really,
no fractals are a kind of geometry associated with a man named Mandel brat.
Unlike ordinary Euclidean geometry that everybody learns in school squares and cubes and spears,
fractal geometry appears to describe real objects in the natural world,
Mountains and clouds are fractal shapes.
So fractals are probably related to reality somehow.
Mandelbrot found a remarkable thing with his geometric tools.
He found that things looked almost identical at different scales at different scales,
Grant said.
For example,
Malcolm said,
a big mountain seen from far away has a certain rugged mountain shape.
If you get closer and examine a small peak of the big mountain,
it will have the same mountain shape.
In fact,
you can go all the way down the scale to a tiny speck of rock seen under a microscope.
It will have the same basic fractal shape as the big mountain.
I don’t really see why this is worrying you.
Grant said he and he smelled the sulfur fumes of the volcanic steam.
They were coming now to the section of the road that ran near the coastline overlooking the beach and the ocean.
It’s a way of looking at things Malcolm said Mandel brought found a sameness from the smallest to the largest.
And this sameness of scale also occurs for events.
Consider cotton prices,
Malcolm said there are good records of cotton prices going back more than 100 years when you study fluctuations and cotton prices,
you find that the graft of price fluctuations in the course of a day looks basically like the graft for a week,
which looks basically like the graft for a year Or for 10 years and that’s how things are a day is like a whole life.
You start out doing one thing,
but end up doing something else.
Plan to run an errand,
but never get there.
And at the end of your life,
your whole existence has that same haphazard quality too.
Your whole life has the same shape as a single day.
I guess it’s one way to look at things granted.
Malcolm said it’s the only way to look at things.
We have soothed ourselves into believing that accidents happen outside of the normal way of things.
Malcolm says,
when in fact,
change is built into the fabric of existence,
Straight linearity does not exist.
Events don’t encourage us one after the other.
You know,
it’s like life is a series of events that each influence the following event.
I love that.
they’re now being driven along the coast and their self driven land cruisers.
And they notice a boat leaving the dock.
And as a reader,
we assume this to be the supply boat,
which it is that’s leaving because of the storm.
As Malcolm and Grant are taking are talking in the rear G.
They see the car in front of them has stopped.
They turn on the speaker,
which connects both cars,
The girl is saying,
See it tim Do you see it?
Are they talking about the boat?
The PR manager is in the car with Children.
Um so Ed hops out of the land cruiser and um goes to the car that’s holding Grant and Malcolm and he’s like,
the kids are all worked up about what about the boat?
Yes and no,
they think that they see something on the boat that’s leaving something on that boat that’s leaving.
It’s an animal.
They think they think their animals on the boat Malcolm,
Grant Malcolm Malcolm and Gramp grab binoculars and look at the boat.
look low down.
Lex says over the radio.
Everyone’s kind of doubtful because lex is like,
really weird and annoying and they’re like,
didn’t even say anything but Grant stands up for her.
He’s like,
kids can see they have visual security,
we forgot we ever had.
Grant really likes kids.
So he keeps looking and then he sees them,
They’re playing darting back and forth,
upright animals about two ft tall.
They were raptors,
The vote is going to the mainland.
They’re like,
we have to get to control,
we have to tell that boat to turn around or those dinosaurs are going to get to the mainland and what’s gonna happen in.
Oh my goodness.
back in control,
they’re noticing the radio’s are broken.
Also know Audrey is tampering with communications.
It’s unclear why.
And he’s like,
I’m gonna go get a coke,
does anyone want a coke?
And they’re like,
no Audrey,
we don’t.
She’s like,
I get some snacks too.
So he’s so sick of him.
Then you guys,
The power goes out,
there are no cameras,
no phones,
no electrical fences,
everything out and where have the car stopped Alexis right outside that t rex thing.
Oh so this part is very much like the movie and a little not but the detail about this scene straight from the book.
So ned re back at headquarters is skulking around thinking how smart he is.
He built a trapdoor in the security system.
Like we said everyone just thought it was a bug.
But no it was a way for him to get in and just turn everything off and steal from them and sell it to the highest bidder and he’s great.
He feels all the doors can now just be opened with a touch of his finger.
It took him three minutes to steal the specimen.
Only three minutes and it would take six minutes to get to the dock and six minutes to get back piece of cake.
He’d even grab a coke show up like what happened,
I’ll fix it.
Well nobody know nothing.
Muldoon who’s the african Safari guide?
He’s on his own initiative,
decides to go rescue the guests.
So there’s not a part where him is like will you bring back my grandchildren na ham is like what’s wrong with my park?
And um Muldoon is like I’m gonna go get the babies get because who knows what happened with who knows,
you’re not just out of abundance of caution.
Let me just going to get the kids and storming something’s weird with the power and just go get him and everybody else do.
So yeah,
so we’re with the power and that all the security fences are down is,
it’s down.
The only people that have power is control.
They’re the only ones that can communicate with one another.
They can’t communicate what the land cruiser.
Land cruisers at all.
So um hmm.
So muldoon is thinking,
I’ll just go get one of the gas powered jeeps.
It’s a good thing I left like this launcher in it because that’s the only thing that can like kind of maybe kill a T rex if I need it.
So you go to the garage and he’s like,
it’s in the world,
the car is gone.
The car was gone.
what is happening?
We’ll measure.
You got the car.
So back at the land cruisers,
we’re almost done.
You guys,
the passengers thinks they’ve just like had some problems with the cars and they’re like chill and they’re like,
the cars will start working soon.
They have no idea that the perimeter fence is also without power.
Suddenly tim sees a dark figure run between the two cars because he’s in the front car Malcolm and grant are in the rear,
Something runs between them.
That figure was as big as the cars themselves at this point,
tIM is wearing this like hi tech night goggles.
that were in the car and Ed,
the pr agent even encourages him to put them on like as a distraction.
Like you know,
so you don’t get worked up versus the movie where it’s like those are expensive,
put them down right,
Um and the lawyer ain’t even there.
So it’s just the PR agent who is like,
you know,
kind to the kids,
he doesn’t want to be babysitting,
but he’s not mean to them.
Um he even plays um catch with the girl,
you know,
and she’s really annoying.
I wouldn’t do nothing with her.
So anyway,
it’s so dark that only tim can see what’s going on because he has these goggles on.
Grant talks to him via the radio in a way not to alarm.
Lex who is already crying.
Grant goes,
What do you see?
10 tim was looking eye to eye at a tree that was looking back at him.
It was a T rex and it was touching the fence with its arms.
So Ed Harris,
the PR agent is still thinking about great copy.
He thinks to himself,
the greatest animal attack in human history.
That’s what it will say.
The headline out of the people in both cars.
Ed was the only one who knew what a dinosaur attack looked like.
He had seen the bodies.
And this was a rex ad urinates in his pants.
He then runs out of the car into the woods in that moment.
He’s thinking,
I have to do something,
he left us,
he left us,
he loved us.
He loved us.
CeleXA screaming.
The T rex is still motionless and huge.
He left us.
He left us.
And in this part,
she’s probably like thinking of her father over the radio Grant is trying to direct them.
Stay in the car,
stay down,
be quiet and don’t move,
don’t arouse its attention more than necessary!
The T rex roared,
took a large step forward and stood between the two cars.
The dinosaur ducks,
its enormous head down and looks directly into the car,
just like in the movie.
Then it stands straight up,
then a jolting impact rocks the car and shatters the windshield.
Instantly the rear of the car lifts into the air and then thumps down with a bloody splash.
There was a shrill metallic scrape as claws raked the roof of the car.
Tim’s heart was pounding in his chest.
He couldn’t see anything out of the windows on the right side except pebbled,
leathery blush,
the tyrannis or was leaning against the car,
which rocked back and forth with each breath,
The springs and metal creaking loudly.
Lex groaned again.
Tim put down the radio and started to crawl over into the front seat.
The tyrannis or roared.
The metal roof dented downward.
Tim felt a sharp pain in his head and tumbled to the floor onto the transmission hump.
He found himself lying alongside Lex and he was shocked to see that the whole side of her head was covered in blood.
She looked unconscious,
there was another jolting impact and pieces of glass fell all around him,
Tim felt rain.
He looked up and saw that the front windshield had broken out.
There was just a jagged rim of glass and beyond the big head of the dinosaur looking down at him.
The T rex slaps,
it’s thick tongue around the car,
tim can smell its breath and there’s blood around its jaws,
it can’t get to the kids so it lifts the entire car in its jaws,
Liz falls out of the car into the mud and tim fills himself too.
In the moment before his world grew completely black and silent,
falling when the animal moves Grant towards Grant and Malcolm,
they see that the other car is gone.
So this is the first time they’ve seen the car with the kids and Ed is completely gone.
There was a car there,
the car is no longer there slowly,
The T rex moves toward their car.
In this moment Malcolm decides extinct animals should be left extinct and grants like,
you’re right,
they should.
So what do we do now?
Neither of them knows Malcolm turns the handle almost instinctively,
he’s not trying to he’s just afraid and he begins to run out of the car,
but he’s too late.
Malcolm’s body is tossed into the air like that of a small doll and what happens next.
Even Grant isn’t clear on,
he’s like,
I’m seeing it,
but I don’t know what I’m seeing.
Then Grant exits the car with the intention of running into the woods,
but the T rex turns around and looks at him.
Grant’s body freezes,
he’s shaking with cold and fright.
Grant remains frozen.
The T rex roars,
but then does nothing.
The animal then began to violently inspect the car,
turning it around and Grant just tries to remain still.
He’s so close to Grant that the doctor can smell the rotting flesh in his breath still the T rex doesn’t touch him and Grant remains frozen.
Granton realizes the animal is trying to frighten me into movements because without movement you can’t see me.
The dino kicks the car and spins Grant’s body into the air before the earth strikes the doctor in the face.
Um So I know,
I love when that’s written that way.
Um I’ve seen a lot of authors talk about the earth rushing to someone’s face if you ever fainted.
That’s what it feels like.
Why is the earth moving towards my face?
So that’s what happens.
So that’s the deep dive into the first part of Jurassic probably gonna take a quick break and then we’ll do like a pseudo verdict.
let’s take a quick break.
And we’re back how quick Alexis.
Where were your first thoughts of the first part of Jurassic park?
The little girl is whiny and annoying and unrealistic.
even for an annoying child,
there are plenty of annoying Children just like her.
Just wait till you read the second half.
You’re gonna be mad for all the babies in the world.
All the good little girl back.
I hate that.
I hate that.
She was always I’m hungry.
I just set it down,
be quiet.
What was she doing that?
For real danger.
And all she says is I’m hungry repeat of it.
Just because quite But there are Children like that.
So that doesn’t surprise me that don’t seem out of the ordinary.
That’s regular Children.
I don’t like I don’t understand why he identified all the black characters.
Why are you saying the black man?
The black man?
I don’t understand that.
And I was waiting for it to be a point to it.
Is there something about being black?
Why so that?
I don’t get that.
Um Let’s see what else?
Those are just some things that I don’t like about it.
But other than that so far,
um I’m enjoying it and like I said nothing I’ve read so far is really glory.
I’m gonna stick to that.
uh I don’t know.
I’m gonna take that content warning out because you’re right.
The first half isn’t gory.
But the second half is so I’m just warning everybody.
So yeah,
Michael Crichton is very un interested in female humans.
I don’t say females a lot you guys,
but I mean like adult women and little girls and black people and he writes them poorly because he’s uninterested in his shows.
Um however,
there are some interesting themes already brought up in the book.
Number one,
the way you live one day mirrors the way you live your entire life.
I don’t know if Malcolm went into this monologue yet,
but he talks about chaos theory.
Maybe this isn’t the second half.
He compares it to a mountain peak he had on the top of that peak.
so the top of that peak is pretty much the same as the entire mountain and our lives are like that.
If you follow someone in one day of their life,
you pretty much have an idea of how they live their entire life.
Some really cool stuff there.
two expectation versus reality.
Is that what you’re thinking?
So yeah,
number two,
I thought that was cool.
We don’t even know what to look for.
We just look for what we’re expecting.
But is that the reality?
And when you look at things like that,
you’re blinding yourself to the reality because you’re so narrowly just focused in on what you’re expecting.
That was really cool.
And that happens so much in life and then uh oh,
that’s not at all what I expected,
It’s not it’s inherent to living.
And then lastly,
I love the idea of no one is more optimistic than a narcissist.
So I feel like that’s what Hammond represents book.
So I finished the book because I couldn’t put it down.
Alexis is right where you are reader.
And we are coming back next week required to on video on Youtube.
We are going to be on the Youtubers.
thanks for that curry.
No problem.
Thanks for listening.
To let Society well afford to meeting up with you next week thursday and we will be on the Youtubers.
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