Our Favorite Books from Season Four and the Books We Liked the Least

November 23, 2023

As the curtains draw on the fourth season of LIT Society, our book podcast, and our baby, it’s a moment brimming with sentimentality and anticipation for what’s to come. This season, we’ve embarked on a literary journey, delving into fiction and non-fiction, memoirs, and thrillers. From unraveling intricate plot twists to exploring the mysteries of our past, our discussions have celebrated storytelling in all its forms.

Each episode has been a treasure trove of diverse perspectives, engaging interviews, and heartfelt recommendations shared with our dedicated listeners. As we bid adieu to this season, we invite you to reflect on the myriad emotions and insights that books evoke, underscoring their timeless relevance in our lives.

While this season might be coming to a close, the world of literature continues to expand endlessly. With a fifth season on the horizon, we eagerly anticipate unearthing new narratives, unexplored genres, and captivating conversations with authors and bibliophiles alike.

Stay connected with us on YouTube, where we’ll share weekly bonus content (https://www.youtube.com/@LitSocietyPod).

To our incredible listeners who have journeyed with us through the pages year after year, thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. As we gear up for the next chapter, stay tuned for more literary adventures, insightful discussions, and the shared love for the written word that binds us together. The story doesn’t end here—it’s merely the closing of one captivating chapter, paving the way for countless more tales waiting to be explored. ❤️

– Alexis and Kari

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