An infamous and influential family in a wealthy New England town finds their only daughter dead under suspicious circumstances. Naturally, attention turns to her best friend, Avery Greer, an unconnected wannabe with a suspiciously tragic past. Will the truth exonerate Avery or unearth secrets long hidden by the most twisted and powerful members of her circle.

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This week we're discussing the real-life men and agents who inspired the fictional James Bond. These folks jumped out of planes fought Nazis while enduring chase and torture—incredible stuff. A suave super-spy with both daddy and mommy issues must use his skill with the cards to play his way out of death in a fancy French casino. His goal? Stay alive and gain victory for his country. His game? Baccarat. His weakness? Fast cars and faster women.

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After we discuss real-life cases of hostages turned homies, we'll dive into a story about idiots. Yes, idiots. In a way, this is a story about all of us because we're all idiots at times. But this is also a story about a bridge. Also, it's a story about people and how people need people. Actually, this is a crime novel about a bank robber and a room full of terrible captives who each have something in common. More than anything, though, this is a story about kindness.

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