An infamous and influential family in a wealthy New England town finds their only daughter dead under suspicious circumstances. Naturally, attention turns to her best friend, Avery Greer, an unconnected wannabe with a suspiciously tragic past. Will the truth exonerate Avery or unearth secrets long hidden by the most twisted and powerful members of her circle.

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A professional moderator turned author makes a living telling groups of listeners that the sky is blue, water is wet, and, yes, racism is a reality. A somewhat novel idea, she crafts her conversations with white, not black listeners in mind. She addresses the subject of oppression to the group of people consciously and subconsciously oppressing, and the result earns her a side-eye from every side involved.

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Like Google Maps on a long road trip, one top chef is helping us find our way through the endless recipes scattered inside of that junk drawer in our kitchen to the dish we're craving. That's right, by understanding just four cardinal directions of cooking, we can make anything delicious.

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As Beyoncé said, "This is for the 30-somethings that didn't turn out exactly how mom and dad wanted you to be." Convenience Store Woman is the deadpan tale of one woman's happy life in a simple occupation before conformity-obsessed friends, family members, and strangers pressure her into confusion and despair.

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