Our first comic book! And what’s more — it’s non-fiction!
Born 1969 in Iran, Marjane Satrapi is a graphic novelist, cartoonist, illustrator, film director, and children’s book author who came of age during her country’s Islamic Revolution and war with Iraq.
Satrapi is the beloved only child of progressive parents. In 1984, they sent her to school in Austria. They hoped that she’d escape what they saw as the oppressive regime of Iran.
Persepolis is the story of her childhood. Its name comes from Perse and Opolis – or Persian city, the name Iran was historically given in Greek.
Persepolis is the story of a girl growing up in a time of war and revolution. Together, she and her country must decide who they’re supposed to be and who they actually are.
This comic book was so much like a rollercoaster ride. I kept hoping her light would get better, than something would happen to change everything. Very interesting comic book ladies. Good job drawing out the highlights.
“Drawing”?! We love puns! Thank you so much, May!